Treaty update in Parliament - parties discussing flights to and from Gib & EU

Parties in the UK EU negotiating teams for a treaty with Gibraltar are considering whether it is possible to reach a formula to have flights to and from the EU.

This was confirmed by the Chief Minister in Parliament in answer to the Opposition Leader, who had asked if the Government was prepared to agree to enhanced use of the airport.

Fabian Picardo said the possibility of an agreement on the airport was contained in clause 17 of the New Year's eve Framework 2020, and the framework was also left open to other issues of mutual interest.

Mr Picardo said following last week's talks in London there was a very positive outlook which sought technical and practical solutions to avoid parties giving ground on fundamental issues.

However he said he was unable to publicise details as it would prejudice discussions, and would not set up a clock that will tick against Gibraltar in the negotiation.