Top Study Calls for Global Ban on Covid Shots

Top Study Calls for Global Ban on Covid Shots

January 26, 2024

A group of world-renowned researchers has published a groundbreaking new study on soaring sudden death rates and called on governments to ban Covid mRNA shots globally.

In a peer-reviewed paper published on Wednesday, researchers re-analyzed the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine phase 3 trial data.

However, the researchers uncovered evidence of far more serious adverse events among those in the vaccine group.

This is not what published reports from Pfizer’s phase 3 trials said.

“Many key trial findings were either misreported or omitted entirely from published reports,” the researchers said.

The study was conducted by seven top researchers:

  • M. Nathaniel Mead
  • Stephanie Seneff
  • Russ Wolfinger
  • Jessica Rose
  • Kris Denhaerynck
  • Steve Kirsch
  • Peter A. McCullough

In the study’s paper, the researchers explained that they set out to re-analyze Pfizer’s trial data because:

  • our understanding of covid vaccinations and their impact on health and mortality has evolved substantially since the first vaccine rollouts; and,
  • problems with the methods, execution, and reporting of the pivotal phase 3 trials have emerged.

On Wednesday, they published their findings in a peer-reviewed paper titled “Covid-19 mRNA Vaccines: Lessons Learned from the Registrational Trials and Global Vaccination Campaign.”

The paper was published in the renowned Cureus, a journal of medical science.

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Hundreds of Doctors & Scientists Sign Bombshell Accord Demanding Ban of Covid mRNA Shots

Frank BergmanJuly 6, 2024

Thousands of people, including hundreds of medical doctors and scientists, have signed a bombshell accord calling on governments around the world to ban Covid mRNA shots.

The accord cites serious concerns about the safety and efficacy of the experimental injections.

The Hope Accord has already gained nearly 3,000 signatures after it was released this week.

Over 200 doctors, 300 other healthcare professionals, and more than 100 scientists and academics have now signed the accord.

All of the signature endorsements have been verified to ensure they are from real and qualified professionals.

The statement, which also calls for recognition and support for the vaccine injured, addresses five key priorities:

Immediate suspension of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine products: It says mRNA vaccine products should be suspended immediately due to a growing body of evidence suggesting a link between the vaccine rollout and alarming trends in disability and excess deaths.

A comprehensive re-evaluation of COVID-19 vaccine safety and efficacy: It demands independent investigations to thoroughly reassess the safety and efficacy of all COVID-19 vaccine products, ensuring transparency and full disclosure of data.

Recognition and support for the vaccine injured: The accord stresses the need to acknowledge and support individuals who have suffered vaccine-related injuries, providing them with the necessary medical care and compensation.

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