First, Gibraltarians need to realize that Joe Biden and his family are totally corrupt. See below.
Second, if Gibraltarians, like many other Europeans, use information the European Mainstream puts out to form their views and opinions of who is the better candidate for the states – Biden or Trump – they may be confused why Biden didn’t win by a landslide.
European media is as complicit as American media in propagandizing an upside-down reality. They use compromised news hosts, has-been entertainers, and loud-mouth Marxist politicians to push something far from reality. None of those groups represent everyday folks living in the states, but these talking-heads are who you hear constantly bad-mouthing Trump. If you believe all this fake news, then you’d think America hated Trump and loved Biden, but the opposite is true.
In Truth, Americans love Trump; and hate Biden.
The MSM is owned and controlled by globalists. Because the UK and Europe now have had a taste of what the media can do – like support a plandemic with their constant reporting; and character assassinate credible doctors and nurses challenging the Establishment’s wacky fake-science – you can easily grasp they’ve been doing this to Trump and associates since before the 2016 election.
Just like they over-report the numbers related to Covid, they over-report their hatred for Trump. It’s sickening, and no other president of the US has even been treated with so much disrespect.
Biden and his Marxist running mate are pro-China and pro-EU, so they fair well in media coverage across the board. The EU is essentially the 4th Reich, so you can understand they’d be pro-Biden. Their agenda – along with their cohorts – is the destruction of sovereign nations, including the United States of America, and Gibraltar, to construct their New World Order.
Everyday Americans don’t like corrupt Creepy Joe or China Joe. If you pay attention to alternative patriot news, you’d realize why he is hated by everyday Americans. This isn’t to say all British and Europeans hate Trump – that’s also propagandized by the media. Some people in the UK and Europe absolutely love Trump, but they also rarely make the news.
Joe Biden is compromised by the CCP-China which has been busy infiltrating Western countries through bribes, blackmail and financial deals – all to sway local politicians to its favor, so that they can secretly control these countries; and push satanic communist totalitarianism world-wide.
Check these out:
1: The Bidens’ Chinese Secrets full Version (41 minute documentary) –
2: Hunter Biden’s Partnership with China Revealed – An Investigation by TYPHOON – INVESTIGATIONS
3: The Biden Crime Family Dossier –
Biden’s latest corruption scandal hit the news right before the election; yet, MSM completely ignored it – well, they actually helped cover it up, along with cohorts Google, Facebook and Twitter. That should tell you whose side they are on.
Look at how the Chinese CCP has its hand in American media; how ballots may have been among the documents being burned at its embassy in Houston; how players supply illegals with guns so that violence and chaos help bring down the republic; fund BLM movements – and the list could go on.
How much influence does the CCP have in Europe and the United Kingdom? How much influence does financial dealings with the CCP have in Gibraltar? It’s hard to say, because deals are anything BUT transparent. Where did Gibraltar’s £300 million loan come from?
If you familiarize yourself with the current Biden family scandal, you will learn that Joe Biden, “The Big Guy” receives money off his children’s dealings.
They use the family name, implying deals with them mean access to the White House, something the corrupt Clintons call “Pay to Play”. Together with the Clintons and CCP, the Bidens are also mixed up with another scandal involving the Ukraine and China.
Basically, any time a Biden benefits, Creepy Joe benefits by taking a lion’s share, as outlined by Tony Bobulinski, a former business partner with the Bidens and the CCP.
Gibraltar’s ruling politicians may “act” like they are British and democrats, but they are hidden anti-God Marxists, who align themselves with CCP practices; and who use their home-grown influence on The Rock to further a red communist agenda. They also align themselves with the European Union, which was the German Nazi Party’s creation after they realized they were losing WW2; so really the Nazis won the war, at least in Europe – and have disarmed everyone so no-one can fight and resist their evil plans, with the exception of Switzerland, where every male must have a military assault-rifle in his home and know how to use it.
But in America, citizens still have the right to bear arms – and China would like nothing more than to disarm them, even deviously using politics to do it. Why? America is the last frontier. So, you bet they are for Chinese stooge, anti-gun Biden, who wants to disarm the American patriots; and if you think they are sitting back and allowing Trump, who is exposing them, to win; you are, at a minimum, naïve.
The reason the Japanese, during WW2, did not attempt to invade the USA was because there would have been a gun aimed at them from behind every blade of grass, according to General Hideki Tojo.
Trump called MSM fake news, and this set the stage for a news-war. He didn’t start it, but he ignited it, at least in the States.
Don’t be fooled by European media that constantly criticizes and ridicules Trump.
The fact is that Trump drew tens of thousands to his rallies everywhere he went, and Biden’s were almost empty, with literally only a handful of supporters, and that tells you whom Americans really love.
Trump crowds –
Biden's few –
Here's the PDF of graphic in tweet: Trump vs Biden Events
Proof of election fraud is MASSIVE – if you are paying attention to real patriot news. Trump won the election by a landslide and Biden and his gang are trying to steal it. Trump is fighting mad and all this fraud looks like it is about to be exposed. It’s likely Biden and the controlling communists in the demonrat party were so desperate, they did desperate things.
Take a look at a few patriot sites, instead of relying on UK and European MSM propaganda.
You may like that Trump criticizes and is against the Second Europe Lockdown:
See also:
The Plot Against The President
If they would do all this to remove Trump, that's nothing compared to what they would do against Christ. Their evil and conniving is astounding.
Christ is against forming political parties, which divide and weaken a nation (Matthew 12:25), and so it is against The Law (Deuteronomy 17:20). We should not turn to the left or right. This is why democracy is flawed – one side or the other wants to control by any means necessary, even evil, corrupt ones, for their own benefit, instead of everyone’s benefit like under God’s Covenant. And this is why, under God’s Law, debt is to be forgiven every 7 years and wealth redistributed every 50 – without it – as we have seen; the rich and powerful create legislation to keep themselves enriched and in control, and impoverish everyone else.
“The political right and left having been condemned by God makes democracy; with all its in-fighting, trying to score party-political points, instead of getting together and running the country for the benefit of everyone; unlawful, too.” – Welcome to a Unique Sociological Event
Winston Churchill said many years ago, that democracy is the least BAD of all of the systems of government produced by MAN out of human experience.
Theocracy is the ONLY way: The First Principle of God's Government - Theocracy
As more is learned about the US Election, this thread will be expanded. If you have news, please reply here.