The blood work of covid-vaccinated people is showing horrific levels of damage.
THE SGT REPORT: Stew Peters, independent Journalist and the host of Stew Peters Show joins SGT Report to discuss the latest revelations in this rapidly unfolding American horror show.
"No government can over turn the Nuremberg Trials. The Supreme Court itself on the forced small pox vaccination, over turned the decision you quote with Roe verse Wade. My Body My choice & another case. Sidney Powell has a Webpage to get the correct information. Resistance Chicks also has information on their web page; an interview with a lawyer in Ohio suing all the government agencies lying to all the people world wide. With Abortion the Supreme Court legalizes someone else using their body to kill another body. Plus another case. The Supreme court also said the Military can not force the men to take any vaccination. "
"Stew has been so great in reporting on all sorts of important details about this. Great team, the two of you reporting together."