The Sacrifice You Cannot Live Without

The Sacrifice You Cannot Live Without


A. Freeman's latest article is now published on Time To Think. It's an insightful look at the sacrifice Jesus made and the one we must make for our own survival.

Please read and share it:

The direct link to this article is - The Sacrifice You Cannot Live Without | Time To Think


If You Are Still Doing the Crime, You Are Rapidly Running Out of Time

Building on the article “The Sacrifice You Cannot Live Without”, A. Freeman further illustrates how absurd and illogical it is to assume there is no penalty for our post crucifixion sins.

We all will be held accountable for our crimes on Judgement Day.


Please read and share this subsequent article:

The direct link to the article is

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The Sacrifice You Cannot Live Without

This article is now UPDATED and FEATURED on Gibraltar Messenger. Please read and share it using its direct-link. Thank you.


If You Are Still Doing The Crime, You Are Rapidly Running Out Of Time

Please read and share this article now featured on Gibraltar Messenger. Please use its direct link. Thank you.

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