Maria Zeee with Alison Steinberg on OAN discuss Intelligence Agencies’ involvement in psychological operations and controlling the narrative worldwide, as well as the recent admission from AstraZeneca in court that their injections cause blood clots.

Catholic Priest Warns Humanity of the New World Order.

Catholic Priest40x360

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:eyes::loudspeaker: The :star_of_david:NOAHIDE Deception • New (:star_of_david:Noahide) World Order • (A Satanic Plan to Kill :latin_cross:Christians)


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In 1948, in Tel Aviv, Jewish Agency Chairman David Ben-Gurion proclaims the State of Israel. It was an abomination to name their territory ISRAEL.

Interview With Matthew Tower: How Zionism Conquered JFK, America, and Palestine

The Zionist occupiers (them which say they are Jews) of Palestine are liars (satan is the father of lies). They are not Israelites and they are not following The Torah.
Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are NOT, but [are] (Idumeans) the synagogue of Satan. King of kings' Bible - Revelation


Israel's goal is a massive Middle East

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Journalist Rebecca Mistereggen on World Events in Norway


A UN Document That Proves We're Being Replaced

UN Document on "Replacement Migration" Reveals EVERYTHING.

"This Is Exactly How They Plan To Steal Your Money" | Whitney Webb


Committee of 300, One World Government and Paedophilia

By Rhoda Wilson on October 3, 2024

A tweet posted last month discusses the Committee of 300, its aims of being a One World Government and the conditions its members will foment to bring it about.

It lists the members as of 1991 and accuses the oligarchs who are involved in the Committee of 300 of controlling the global child sex trafficking operations.

On 3 August 2024, Truth Justice posted a series of three tweets with accompanying videos about the Committee of 300. The majority of the text is from Dr. John Coleman’s book ‘Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story Of The Committee of 300’ published in 1991, with an introduction and additional comments written by Truth Justice. The three videos feature Philippe Argillier, Dr. John Coleman and Calin Georgescu.

Tweet 1: The Shadow Government by Truth Justice

THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT: In 2018 it was already decided to remove President Trump from the White House. Trump will never be allowed to win the 2024 Election. The Biden Administration is under the control of the Shadow Government. Facebook is owned by the US Government. Covid-19 planned.....

Some Major Worldwide Committee of 300 Institutions and Organisations are as follows:

Past and present members of the Committee of 300 as of 1991, Bill Gates is a new member:

Are the old families of the European Black Nobility, the American Eastern Liberal Establishment (In Freemason hierarchy and the Order of Skull and Bone), the Illuminati, or as it is known by the Committee “MORIAH CONQUERING WIND,” the Mumma Group, The National and World Council of Churches, the Circle of Initiates, the Nine Unknown Men, Lucis Trust, Jesuit Liberation Theologists, The Order of the Elders of Zion, the Nasi Princes,.....

Abergavemy, Marquis of. Acheson, Dean. Adeane, Lord Michael. Agnelli, Giovanni. Alba, Duke of. Aldington, Lord. Aleman, Miguel. Allihone, Professor T. E. Alsop Family Designate. Amory, Houghton. Anderson, Charles A. Anderson, Robert 0. Andreas, Dwayne. Asquith, Lord. Astor, John Jacob and successor, Waldorf. Aurangzeb, Descendants of. Austin, Paul. Baco, Sir Ranulph Balfour,......

The Evil Intent and Purpose of the Committee of 300 is to Bring to Pass the Following Conditions:

A One World Government and one-unit monetary system under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self-select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population....

Shadow Government: Databanks Expose Global Evil and Corruption Says French Billionaire
Philippe Argillier says he has four databanks that will expose 38 individuals that run the "shadow government", responsible for the CREATION OF COVID-19, which took place YEARS AGO!

Related: Shocking Investigation discovers a World-Wide Shadow Government has infiltrated “Elected” Governments & Public Health Institutions & built a Global Vaccine Regime


Tweet 2: The Committee of 300 by Truth Justice

THE COMMITTEE OF 300: The destruction and control of America and the World. The depopulation of millions of innocent people. The public execution of President John F. Kennedy. The control of U.S. Elections and elections around the world. The release of AIDS and deadly viruses.

This is the work of the insidious Committee of 300. How long will America and humanity allow them to continue this rule of corruption, death and destruction? They will not give up their power. It must be forcibly removed from them. They are moving forward with the following agenda unless we stop them.

:rotating_light: Dr. John Coleman 1994 Speech Warning of NWO, Depopulation & More by 2050

1994 Dr. John Coleman "Committee of 300" Full Speech
Dr. John Coleman tried to WAKE US UP in 1994, warning of The Great Reset, The New World Order, One World Government, Elites, Illuminati, socialism, communism, Marxism, severe de-population, and smearing of the U.S. Constitution.

The parallels are EXACTLY what we are going through now.

If only more listened to him back in 1994 when he wrote his book: "The Committee of 300" download it here:

He mentions all of these changes - headed by the 300 people who control everything- will be by 2050.
Notice that when Donald Trump won, panic immediately set in? She was never supposed to lose. HRC was supposed to finish off the plan with two terms to meet their 2050 goal.

Enter "Agenda 2020"


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