This Natural News Article was also featured on The Truthseeker at
"Will worse “adverse events” happen with this extremely rushed Covid-Series of jabs? The H1N1 vaccine was LOADED with chemicals, that’s why. You want to know which ones? Let’s name and document a few deadly ones now: deadly squalene, thimerosal (mercury), formaldehyde, and polysorbate 80 (a synthetic emulsifier).
*It’s very difficult to detoxify the body of mercury, especially when the vaccine industry uses aluminum, labeled as an “adjuvant,” that helps the mercury cross the blood-brain barrier, inflicting chronic damage on humans, *
Forced vaccination is the ultimate Nazi torture still in use by deranged doctors on millions of innocent victims today, in America especially boys under age three."
Tune your internet dial to for updates on resisting forced vaccination and Bill Gates’ new series of highly experimental, rushed, human abortion vaccines
. It’s all about depopulation folks, don’t become a real statistic for the CDC’s fear-mongering campaign. In other words, don’t get ‘buried alive’ by dirty vaccines. You do have a choice to say no, and it’s documented by the American Medical Association themselves in their medical ethics statement
available here.
See also: