From The Rock of Gibraltar comes a brand new, up-to-date Compendium on Covid. Its concept and its compilation originates from a blogger on The Rock who goes by the name of Fedupwithevil. The blogger's Covid compendium has been initially made available on the alternative social media platform known as Gab. For anyone wishing to study in depth the issues surrounding this genocidal plan, this compendium offers an excellent easy to use tool fit for any researcher's toolbox, and The Defending Gibraltar Forum is more than happy to promote its use for all its viewers across a wide range of applications in the ongoing fight against the medical tyranny within our midst. At a personal level, I would like to thank Fedupwithevil for his tireless efforts in producing this very practical and resourceful product. Please would viewers spread the word about its availability, and any feed back on its utility would be especially welcome.
A large collection of articles, medical studies, interviews with leading experts all collected in one place. With thanks to my fellow gabbers to leading me to most of the sources and to all those who produced the work. None of this is original.
To those who use this resource, I have created it for several reasons.
To open your eyes and show you the Truth that has been deliberately obscured by those committing these horrendous crimes against humanity.
John 8:23 and Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free. -
For those with legal battles to fight, this should save your lawyers time and therefore your money.
For those Unvaxxed, to confirm your decision is correct and learn to protect yourselves from the Vaxxed.
For those sadly Vaxxed, if you read and watch thoroughly, there are things you can do, or take, to reduce the negative effects on you and those around you.
The whole Compendium can be found here, it is 25Gb
Full Compendium 27.23 GB folder on MEGA
Broad Overview Docs 18.2 MB folder on MEGA
Censorship 25.6 MB folder on MEGA
Doctors and scientists summit 2.76 MB folder on MEGA
Fauci the liar and criminal 2.28 GB folder on MEGA
13 Reasons to not vaccinate children 21 MB folder on MEGA
15 Reasons natural Immunity better 65.93 MB folder on MEGA
Investigative Journalism 8.81 GB folder on MEGA
Ivermectin 233.46 MB folder on MEGA
Vaxxed dangerous to the pregnant 162.24 MB folder on MEGA
Lawsuits 432.75 MB folder on MEGA
Legal and other experts 4.68 GB folder on MEGA
Medical Experts 4.49 GB folder on MEGA
Misc Medical studies 5.13 MB folder on MEGA
Pathologists 344.89 MB folder on MEGA
PCR Test 344.89 MB folder on MEGA
Project Veritas 1.31 GB folder on MEGA
Recent Covid Death stats 191.56 MB folder on MEGA
Operation Lockstep 627.52 MB folder on MEGA
Whats in the Vaccines and associated risks 1.35 GB folder on MEGA
Whistleblowers 1.89 GB folder on MEGA