The Committee of 300 and the Murder of Princess Diana and Dr. David Kelly

Dear Cybe2 - Good evening to you. Sorry for the late reply..

I was likewise really fascinated to find and read Miles's various 'essays' based on his opinions. I don't always agree with them nor have the time or intellect to properly analyse all he says but I would suggest there is some truth in there .. you are entitled to your seeming 'psycho-analysis' of him too but i'd advise not to judge or jump to conclusions to quickly also.. check out da beam..afore ye remove the speck.. love you dude.. can't wait to learn how to canoe one day :slight_smile:

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I had never heard of him until you mentioned him in the Maui thread and where I pointed out his illogical analysis.

Can you give us some examples of what you don't agree with, and why, please?

But how useful is material that a combination of truth and lies? And at what point should one decide that a source is not trustworthy, competent, and worth listening to?

We both probably know how dangerous (deadly) spiritual material that is 90% truth and 10% lies can be...

It was not a psycho analysis, I believe you are referring to the part about grandiose-delusions and paranoia ?

I've seen a few examples that clearly show this to be the case but I don't have them at hand right now.

How quickly do you believe I've jumped to conclusions?

Lately it's seemsed like we're all running around with lumberyards stuck to our faces...

love you too, broseph :blush:

Oh, never tried a proper canoe myself.. (ATD)

Dr. John Coleman - Diplomacy by Deception "How" The British Cabal NWO Rules the World. A Part 2 to The Committee of 300


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