Summer Solstice and The Hill of Tara


This year’s June solstice is the earliest in 228 years. The solstice arrives at 20:51 UTC on June 20, 2024. The last time the solstice arrived earlier than this was in 1796, when it occurred at 17:45 UTC on June 20. - June solstice in 2024: All you need to know

At the June solstice, no matter where you are on Earth, the sun rises and sets farthest north on your horizon. The sun is directly overhead at local noon as viewed from the Tropic of Cancer. Throughout the Northern Hemisphere, the sun is high in the sky and closest to being overhead at local noon.

In Ireland, the Summer Solstice is celebrated with a fervor that blends ancient traditions with modern-day revelry. One of the most iconic locations for solstice festivities is the Hill of Tara, steeped in mythological significance as the ancient seat of the High Kings of Ireland. At dawn on the longest day of the year, visitors and locals gather atop this sacred hill to witness the sunrise, a moment that marks the triumph of light over darkness.

Tara: Voices From Our Past (2009)

Discover the Biblical History and Significance of Tara:
History - THE STORY (in brief) of Tephi, queen of Tara and Gibraltar.
Future Significance - The Ark of The Covenant at The Hill of Tara

There's also an interesting article on Time to Think about the 2018 Summer Solstice - An Unforgettable Summer Solstice at the Hill of Tara