SPAIN – 'State of Israel' News [:ES: & 🇮🇱]

Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum visited Spain last week.

Hassan-Nahoum met with Sanz Otero, the Deputy Mayor of Madrid and a member of the Popular Party. They explored the possibility of formalizing their collaboration by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), even as the war against Hamas rages.

Spain has been among the highest critics of Israel's efforts.

This was the first official visit following the deterioration of relations between Madrid and Jerusalem amid the Gaza war.

Hassan-Nahoum had set up a meeting in Barcelona with the local mayor and deputy mayor, but they canceled the day before with no explanation. "Sadly, the mayor of a major international city like Barcelona is not willing to sit down with me, even if it is to tell me that he does not agree with Israel's policies," Hassan-Nahoum said. "It has been very reactionary behavior on his part and a shame."

Read entire article:- (JANUARY 25, 2024)

Jerusalem, Madrid explore capital city twinning despite Israel-Hamas war

Related - while she was in Spain, she gave an interview to La Vanguardia

"Empathy with Israel lasted 48 hours"

How do you see the future of cooperation with the countries of the Abraham agreements?

Interestingly, this is where the key to the Hamas attack on October 7 lies. Israel was about to make peace with Saudi Arabia and that did not go well with Iran. On the other hand, I am optimistic about Abraham's agreements. If these countries have made peace with Israel, they will not change their minds, because they want the region to move towards prosperity and peace. And they know that the other option is to fall into the destruction and fundamentalism that Iran seeks. Now everything is a bit cold, they cannot show that they support Israel because the Palestinian cause is something that moves a lot in the Muslim world. But I think this continues.

How do you deal with the negative image of Israel that is being formed by the war in Gaza?

It is very difficult, because this is what Hamas wanted. What country would not have tried to dismantle a terrorist regime that has attacked them so brutally? People seem to have forgotten October 7th, all they see is Israel bombing Gaza.

Read entire article.

Spain to Voluntarily Contribute to ICC’s War Crimes Investigation in Gaza

At a meeting yesterday, the Council of Ministers decided that Spain will contribute to the ICC Prosecutor’s Office in the investigation of mass human rights violations in Gaza to hold those responsible to account before the court, reports the Middle-East Monitor (MEMO).

As part of this commitment, the ICC Prosecutor’s Office Trust Fund will receive €500,000 ($541,790) in 2024, the report adds.

The ICJ Prosecutor’s Office, headed by Prosecutor Karim Khan since June 2021, is one of the four organs of the ICC investigating genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.

The Prosecutor’s Office, which currently has 17 open investigations, three of which are in preliminary stages, established a fund in March 2022 to support these investigations and training.

The office is investigating human rights violations in Gaza and war crimes against journalists.

Spanish king calls for 'durable' cease-fire in Gaza


Spain's King Felipe VI called Wednesday for a “durable” cease-fire in the Gaza Strip amid an onslaught by Israel despite a provisional decision by the International Court of Justice, said Spanish news agency, EFE.

Humanitarian aid should be provided “to the maximum” to assist the population of the Palestinian territory, Felipe VI said during a reception for the diplomatic corps accredited in Spain at the Royal Palace of Madrid.

The king also demanded the immediate release of the Israeli hostages, according to the report.

He also reiterated his call for a two-state solution between Israel and Palestine with “mutual security guarantees, full independence and recognized borders.”


Kuwait Amb. To Spain Praises Bilateral Ties

Al-Kharafi expressed deep sorrow for the events taking place in the Gaza Strip, hoping for a solution to the crisis, which caused a great number of casualties.

Furthermore, Spain's significant role in urging the European Union to reject the Israeli occupation of Gaza was highlighted.

The King of Spain delivered a speech at the Reception held yesterday, beginning with a reflection on the tragedies unfolding in Gaza, which have deeply touched the conscience of humanity. In addition to calling for facilitating humanitarian aid access to Gaza, as well as an immediate and permanent ceasefire.

Spain’s 2023 contribution to UNRWA amounted to €18.5 million, including €10 million which was approved in December.

Spain continues Palestinian funding amid controversy

The news that some members of the UN Palestinian aid fund allegedly took part in the Hamas attacks against Israel has sent shock waves through the international community.

Despite this revelation, the Spanish Government has renewed its commitment to continue making its contributions to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), despite allegations involving some of its staff in a Hamas-led attack against Israel.

Spain’s 2023 contribution to UNRWA amounted to €18.5 million, including €10 million which was approved in December.

Amid Funding Suspensions by Others, Spain Upholds UNRWA Support Despite Hamas Allegations

While other countries have responded to the allegations against UNRWA staff with immediate funding suspensions, Spain’s approach reflects a nuanced understanding of the complexity inherent in humanitarian work amidst conflict. As the Spanish Foreign Minister underlines the need for continued aid in the face of humanitarian disaster, Spain’s role in international diplomacy remains focused on striking a balance between ensuring accountability and sustaining essential humanitarian support. MSN



An inquiry has now been set:
UN to Review Accusations Against UNRWA, Israel Welcomes Move - UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, in consultation with the UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini, announced the formation of an independent panel to assess the UN agency's neutrality and respond to allegations of serious breaches.

Guterres referred to the Israeli accusations, saying they come at a time when UNRWA is working under "extremely challenging conditions to deliver life-saving assistance to the 2 million people in the Gaza Strip who depend on it for their survival amidst one of the largest and most complex humanitarian crises in the world."

Spain suspends arms exports to Israel; reiterates need for Palestine statehood

Spain has suspended all arms sales and exports to Israel, amid Tel Aviv’s ongoing war on the Gaza Strip and the crimes against humanity that the Occupation is committing.

In an interview with Al Jazeera, Spain’s Foreign Minister, José Manuel Albares, revealed that Madrid has halted all arms exports to Tel Aviv since 7 October last year, when Israeli forces began their bombardment and later invasion of Gaza following an operation launched by Palestinian Resistance group, Hamas, into Israeli-held territory.

The events of that month and beyond “made us realise the importance of a just and permanent solution to the question of the Palestinian people”, the Spanish Foreign Minister said. Highlighting the fact that Israel has since bombed numerous UN facilities, schools and hospitals in the besieged Strip, he urged all parties to comply with the orders of the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Spain's lies about ending arms to 'Israel' exposed; data speak volumes

According to the Spanish website elDiario, the government of Spain has been deceitful about its arms sales to the Israeli occupation.

The Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, assured in parliamentary headquarters on December 5 that Spanish weapons had not been exported to "Israel" since October 7 and reiterated his claim on January 29 in the Foreign Affairs Commission of Congress.

However, according to data on the official foreign trade portal Comex analyzed by Center Delàs researcher Alejandro Pozo and verified by elDiario, Spain exported weapons to "Israel" worth 987,000 euros.

Specifically, goods were exported corresponding to a subcategory that includes “bombs, grenades, torpedoes, mines, missiles, cartridges and other ammunition and projectiles, and their parts, including slugs, shots, and wads for cartridges” to be used as “weapons of war."

Palestine hails European ‘readiness’ to recognize Palestinian state

In a joint statement issued on the sidelines of a summit in Brussels to discuss their "readiness to recognize Palestine," the four leaders said they stand ready to do so "when it can make a positive contribution and the circumstances are right."

Spain, Ireland, Slovenia, and Malta stated their readiness to recognize Palestine as the "only way to achieve peace and security" in the conflict-ridden region.

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry termed the joint statement by the four European countries as a "step in the right direction."

Israel tells EU nations that recognizing Palestine ‘reward for terrorism’

Spain, Ireland, Slovenia, and Malta released a joint statement last week announcing that the four nations will recognize Palestinian statehood

Israel told four European nations on 25 March that their plan to recognize Palestinian statehood constitutes a “reward for terrorism” that would hinder efforts towards a ceasefire.

“The comments of the Prime Minister of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, about recognizing a Palestinian state, as well as the joint statement by Spain, Malta, Slovenia, and Ireland about their readiness to recognize a Palestinian state, constitute a reward for terrorism,” Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman, Lior Haiat said via social media.

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Spain Submits Declaration to ICC on Gaza Situation

28 June - Spain submitted a Declaration of Intervention (view below) to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the lawsuit filed by South Africa against Israel over the applicability of the Genocide Convention in the Gaza Strip. [See PDF in English]



“This intervention is motivated by our responsibility as a State party to the Genocide Convention and our firm commitment to international law,” the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced.

As reported by AA this move demonstrates the country’s commitment to supporting the ICJ’s role in upholding a rules-based international system. “We seek to contribute to bringing peace back to Gaza and the Middle East,” the ministry added.

Spain has pledged to follow the ICJ’s decision, confirming its support for international legal decisions and commitment to promoting global peace and security, it added.

Spain PM At NATO Summit Rejects "Double Standards" On Gaza

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez on Wednesday urged the West to reject "double standards" regarding the conflict in Gaza as he joined NATO leaders in supporting Ukraine.

Spain under Sanchez has infuriated Israel's right-wing government by recognizing a Palestinian state and criticizing Israel's conduct of its war against Hamas.

"If we are telling our people that we are supporting Ukraine because we are defending the international law, this is the same to what we have to do towards Gaza," he said at NATO's 75th anniversary summit in Washington.


15 children from Gaza with complicated medical conditions arrived in Spain on Wednesday through an evacuation process involving the World Health Organization and partners.

The European Union has coordinated the medical evacuation of severely ill and injured patients from Gaza for the first time, transferring sixteen children through the Egyptian capital of Cairo to Spain on Wednesday. The evacuated children - thirteen of whom have sustained severe injuries as a result of the Israeli offensive in Gaza - will be transferred to hospitals across Spain on Thursday, according to the Spanish Health Ministry, and are accompanied by 27 family members. While humanitarian experts have welcomed the move, they have also described it as a "drop in the ocean" as the war continues to take a catastrophic toll on children in Gaza.The European Commission says that the operation was supported by the EU's Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) following a request for assistance from the World Health Organisation (WHO). A spokesperson added that more similar operations were being planned in the upcoming weeks. Sixteen Gazan children medically evacuated to EU as experts say hundreds more need treatment | Euronews