Something Strange is Happening

Who are these people? Strange things are happening. | Truth Seeker

Minutes of Horror's Latest Compilation of Strange and Disturbing Videos

Reasons, arranged in order of relevance:-

aging, camera lenses/angles, makeup (famous person in movie/TV vs not), weight fluctuations, plastic surgery, health issues, lighting and editing, different quality media (compression for instance) and last but not least: body doubles, masks, CLONES...

Yeah, it's probably clones

Sarcasm? It may surprise you, but I'm putting clones towards the end of the list too, but am not in agreement with the scale of relevance in regards to your list. I'm going more with the "Dorian Gray" scenario. Immoral behaviour is catching up with them? I've witnessed marked physical changes in people (not over time) and the reasons for that are not fully understood. Alter personalities, unresoved conflicts or demon possession? It's hard to say for sure, but it is real and definitely strange / disturbing.

Yes, apologies, couldn't help myself as I've recently seen this being claimed so often whilst clones I believe is very far down that list.

Yes. And if one meets these persons face to face it's the eyes that tell.

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Tesla Lithium Plant FIRE IN THE SKY & Angle Orb Intervention

These Disturbing Videos Exposed Something Massive! | MOH

Trump - Stargates - Portals | Shaking My Head Productions

CERN - These Creepy Tiktok Videos Expose Something Massive!! | MOH

Has Alex Jones Been Replaced?

The new Alex Jones is not the old Alex Jones. What is going on? Has Alex Jones been replaced? Is there a double or clone?
Has Alex Jones Been Replaced With A Clone??
The Island (2005 film) - Wikipedia
Donald Marshall talks about Underground Cloning (He's on Megadeth's Album Cover)
George Green speaks to Kerri Cassidy about clones

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Something Is Wrong With The Sky | MOH

People RAN for cover as SPARKS began to FLY

What in the world is going on with the power grid? - MrMBB333 .

Very odd and unexplainable, but the only sites that will allow access are this one (the Defending Gibraltar forum) and my NancyDrewberry Bitchute channel. Nothing else will load and access is denied. Odd. If someone can explain, please, assist. Thank-you.

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Perhaps a DNS problem.

Does accessing sites using their IP addresses work?

Try these:-
My web server:

If they work it is some kind of DNS problem...

Thank-you for your message.
It is working now. It appears it was related to a VPN issue that is now fixed.

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Something BIG is stirring! | MrMBB333

Plane Crash Audio | MOH

This video gives the feeling that mankind is in a fishbowl under experimentation and rule by the most sinister lot of people.

This has the WHOLE WORLD wanting answers! WHY is this happening?