Sieg Heil Bhatti and the Nuremberg Code

Bhatti's at it again

Change-Agent Bhatti needs to convince Gibraltarians that evil vaccines are good. Bhatti is setting Gibraltar up. The elites who are establishing the New World Order will make vaccines mandatory on a global scale.

Bhatti will first try to change your mind, use the same tactics and parrot what all the other pro-vaxxers say.

The Director of Public Health, Dr Sohail Bhatti, said Gibraltar should have a public discussion about the importance of immunisation ahead of the release of any Covid-19 vaccine, adding that Gibraltar’s uptake with other vaccines is “not as good as it should be”.

Wonder how they would react to a real debate on the topic?


This must-watch video explains the origins of the WHO & the pharmaceutical industry, founded by snake-oil salesman J.D. Rockefeller and promoted by Sieg Heil Bhatti. The Health Industry should really be called the Sickness Industry.

How Much Change Does Gibraltar Want: Sohail Bhatti, Vaccines, Aborted Babies, Covid19

Also check out these posts about vaccines: