Sergei Lavrov claims that Hitler was part Jewish.

Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov claims that Hitler was part Jewish.

View Nazi Bankers Ripple Effect at this link for the whole story, poving his claim to be true:


Israel demands apology after Russia says Hitler had Jewish roots

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The territory now called The Ukraine was once the heart of the Khazar/Chazar Kingdom. This kingdom was largely unknown to the general population until Arthur Koestler wrote about its history in his 1976 book, The Thirteenth Tribe.

The standard Jewish encyclopaedia states that it’s likely 95% of modern Jews are Ashkenazis which means, by their own admission, the overwhelming majority of the people falsely claiming to be Jews are not even Semites.


Holocaust education propaganda LOL





Adolf Hitler old man pic and passport. He came to Argentina and got hidden in Patagonia

US OSS (Office of Strategic Services) report on the transport of Adolf Hitler to Argentina on June 20, 1945. The said report refers to the alleged arrival of Hitler in a submarine and the escort of Major Leon Bengoa Lamas to the territory of the Chaco in Argentina.

Carlos Perciavalle a chilling story: the day he saw Adolf Hitler in Bariloche.

​The king of the café-concert turns 82 with the certainty of having seen the German leader and his lover Eva Braun. He was with his great friend China Zorrilla.

And he recounted the event this way with his great friend: “We were having tea with China Zorrilla in the restaurant of a very nice hotel in Bariloche and the waiter told us that since we were very important artists who came from Buenos Aires, the owner of the place wanted to meet us. He told us that he lived next door and out of pure rabble we went to meet him.”

The two Uruguayan artists, when they finished enjoying their tea at the El Casco hotel restaurant, walked to an immense mansion where a party was taking place in which everyone spoke in German. According to the memory of the king of the café concert, a dozen Doberman dogs came barking up to the great gate to give them a strange welcome, and a loud German voice silenced them.

Once inside a large hall, they found about 300 Germans. Among them were nothing more and nothing less than Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun , his assistant and lover with whom both had supposedly committed suicide on April 30, 1945.
The Uruguayan actor told the curious episode on his social networks.

There are hundreds of FBI documents regarding Hitler, including reports of alleged witnesses to Hitler survival in Argentina.

Some pages are heavily redacted, others are not.

There are many stories about a supposed life of Adolf Hitler and other Nazi leaders in San Carlos de Bariloche and different corners of the country. Of all of them, Carlos Perciavalle narrated in the first person what for him and his great friend China Zorrilla was a certainty: he ran into the Fuhrer himself and his wife Eva Braun .

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Hitler was funded by the banking cartel to psychologically manipulate and physically drive the jews into thinking they needed a new homeland which is modern day Israel.

The amount of so-called "truthers" that view Hitler as a hero is mind-boggling. Like flat-earthers that will not recognize a psyop when it is pointed out as clear as day and become emotional too. Just looking at Hitler in his speeches and not knowing anything else is frighteningly obvious that he was deranged, looked and behaved possessed by a demon and simply downright mentally ill.

From May 2022:

Adolf Hitler Was a Rothschild and 25% Jewish by His Paternal Grandfather

Adolf Hitler Was A Rothschild – Strong Evidence

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I hope Stew Peters does not fall into the category viewing Adolf Hitler as a hero. Here is the trailer from his upcoming documentary titled Occupied to be released Fall 2024:

It opens with this image:

And ends with a quote by Hitler:

"My spirit will rise from the grave and the world will see I was right". Hitler (1945).