IMHO, Borzzikman is a globalist sponsored news outlet; however, unlike MSM which is a total inversion of the truth, Borzz presents real events (not all can be verified in other media platforms, but many can). The globalist agenda in Borzz is that while it reports real events and it is very possible, even likely that some are fabricated, it sways the mind as to where to go with this information provided as in what to think about it, how to feel about it, which side to take and which side to be against; conditioning ones mind to satisfy the globalist agenda is their goal. If one can be discerning, its reports can be helpful in assessing the direction of world events. Or at the very least, the unfolding of world events. Unlike MSM which is poison to the mind with outright lies and full-blown denial of real events whilst inducing a zombie trance like mentality, Borzz provides news which appears to be direct from Russian military sources. What one does with such news is up to the individual. Agreed that the thumbnails are sensationalized with some statements that are not in the reports. Can Borzz reports be harmful? It is certainly not the whole truth, all the truth and nothing but the truth; but, it is Russian military news reporting on the Russia-Ukraine events.
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