Here's your answer:

Russia Brutally Responded To The Attack On 'Feodosia'┃NATO Facilities Are On FIRE

Russia Brutally Responded To The Attack On 'Feodosia'┃NATO Facilities Are On...

Geran drone retaliation reached its target in the Port of Odessa

Geran drone retaliation reached its target in the Port of Odessa

Ukraine suffers largest Russian air attack since start of war

Ukraine suffers largest Russian air attack since start of war


"The Ukrainian military has been strategically defeated, and the strategic initiative has passed to Russia," says Scott Ritter, the former U.S. intelligence analyst and U.N. weapons inspector. In our last interview of the year, we look back with Scott Ritter on the most important events in 2023 – in Ukraine, but also in global development. And we're looking ahead to see how the world will change in 2024. For Ukraine, Ritter predicts a "major Russian offensive" in the coming year, "which will develop into a war-ending offensive that is announced for the spring and early summer of 2024." The US, on the other hand, will drop Kiev and forget about the topic of "Ukraine" before the hot phase of the US election campaign: "The loss of Ukraine will have the same impact on US national security as the loss of Afghanistan. Not at all. We will run away from Ukraine as we ran away from Afghanistan." Germany, on the other hand, is firmly clinging to its support for Ukraine and wants to absorb it into the EU "at any price". Ritter scoffs at such fanaticism: "Bring them in, invite them, unite with them. Say we are one with Ukraine. But you won't do it because you don't like Ukraine, because you're just using Ukraine... Germany – the world laughs at you instead of cheering for you." Source: Gegenpol News 19 Dec2023.

Russian Su-34 Destroyed German IRIS-T and The Command Headquarters Of The Ukrainian Army In KHERSON

Russian Su-34 Destroyed German IRIS-T and The Command Headquarters Of The...

Zelensky regime using barrier detachments, which shoot those who dares to retreat.

Zelensky regime using barrier detachments, which shoot those who dares to...

Russia Resumes Massive Missile Strikes as Ukraine Continues to Rely on Deadly, Senseless PR Stunts

Russia Resumes Massive Missile Strikes as Ukraine Continues to Rely on...


A mentally Disabled Ukrainian Soldier on front lines of war.
A shocking video shows a mentally disabled man on the front lines of the Ukrainian war being mocked by other soldiers.
The clip shows the man sitting down in a trench holding what looks like a stick.
Another soldier filming him states, “Take a look at who they just sent us!” before laughing and addressing the mentally disabled man.
“Voha, what’s happening there boy?” asks the soldier.
“I’m on duty,” responds the mentally handicapped man, before being asked, “Where’s your gun?”
“They still didn’t give me one!” he responds.
He is then asked if he is here to “kill Moscals,” to which he responds in the affirmative.
The soldier filming the video then pulls a cruel prank by pretending a mine is about to explode, forcing the mentally disabled man to scramble for cover.
The video ends with the other soldiers laughing at him.

Russia's Newest Missile Destroyed Two US Patriot Systems In Kyiv┃Moscow Doesn't Stop Missile Strikes

Russia's Newest Missile Destroyed Two US Patriot Systems In Kyiv┃Moscow...

Ukraine Heading Toward Complete Destruction | Andrei Martyanov

Ukraine Seeks PR "Wins" as West Admits War May be Lost

Ukraine Seeks PR "Wins" as West Admits War May be Lost

Russia Destroyed The Base Of Foreign Mercenaries In Konstantinovka┃Ukrainian Army Lost 'Krokhmalne'

Russia Destroyed The Base Of Foreign Mercenaries In Konstantinovka┃Ukrainian...

Ukrainian Military-Industrial Complex Turns Into Ruins

BREAKING: Ukraine Shot Down Russian Il-76 With 65 Ukrainian Prisoners Of War On Board

A Brilliant MOVE! Russian SPETSNAZ Eliminated Dozens of Skilled Enemy Commanders Behind Enemy Lines!

A Brilliant MOVE! Russian SPETSNAZ Eliminated Dozens of Skilled Enemy...

"Most of them are Dead!" Ukraine's military CAUGHT hiding the truth about dead soldiers | Redacted

"Most of them are Dead!" Ukraine's military CAUGHT hiding the truth about...

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Satanic Possession: Yuri Bezmenov's "Crisis" Stage is Imminent

February 3, 2024


"What actually happens now, that unlike myself you have literally several years to live, unless the United States wake up. The time bomb is ticking. Every second the disaster is coming closer and closer. Unlike myself, you will have nowhere to defect to, unless you want to live in Antarctica."

Yuri Bezmenov 1984

The Crisis Stage would involve a false flag that would serve as a pretext for martial law. Joe Biden's assassination might fulfill this requirement. Or the start of WW3...

Communism is a Satanist Jewish (Cabalist, Masonic) monopoly over everything: power, thought and money. They want your freedom, family and property..

After Ex-KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov warned of the danger posed by the "World Communist Conspiracy" in 1984, G. Edward Griffin asked him: OK, what do we do? What is your recommendation to the American people?

"Yuri Bezmenov: The immediate thing that comes to my mind, of course, there must be an immediate, very strong national effort to educate people in the spirit of real patriotism, number one.

Number two, explain the real danger of socialist, Communist, welfare state, big brother government. If people fail to grasp the impending danger of their development, nothing ever can help United States. You might kiss goodbye to your freedoms, including freedoms to homosexuals, prison inmates, all this freedom will vanish, evaporate in five seconds, including your precious life.

"The second thing, the moment at least part of the United States is convinced that the danger is real, they have to force the American government, and I'm not talking about sending letters, signing petitions and all these beautiful noble activities. I'm talking about forcing the United States government to stop aiding Communist governments."


"They serve purpose only at the stage of destabilization of a nation. For example, your Leftists in the United States, all these professors and all these beautiful civil rights defenders, they are instrumental in the process of subversion, only to destabilize the nation. When the job is completed, they are nothing, they are not needed any more. They know too much. Some of them, when they see the Marxist-Leninists come to power, obviously, they get offended. They think that they will come to power. That will never happen, of course. They will be lined up against the wall and shot. But, they may turn into the most bitter enemies of Marxist-Leninism when they come to power.

"The moment they serve their purpose, all these useful idiots are used, either to be executed entirely, or exiled or put in prison. Many former Marxists are in Cuba, in prison. "So, basically, you in America [the western nations] are stuck with demoralization. And unless, even if you start right now, here this minute, educating a new generation of Americans, it will still take fifteen to twenty years to turn the tide of ideological perception of reality and normalcy and patriotism.

Continued at link...

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Today, the US Congress rejected an 'Israel only aid' bill insisting that aid must also include aid to Ukraine; making it quite clear that the two wars go hand-in-hand.


Vasily Prozorov's investigation on how the weapons, supplied to Ukraine by the West ends up in the Middle East in the hands of various terrorist groups.