Rosa Koire: UN Agenda 30 is Literally George Orwell's Agenda 1984

"We are wasting our time discussing if the coronavirus is real or the lockdowns justified. They are real and justified in terms of the seditious goals of Agenda 21/30.

UN Agenda 30 is the Missing Piece of the Puzzle. It Explains the Mask & Lockdown Insanity, and much more.

"When we introduced into the State organism the poison of Liberalism its whole political complexion underwent a change. States have been seized with a mortal illness--blood poisoning. All that remains is to await the end of their death agony." (Protocols of Zion, 9)"

"In order that the true meaning of things may not strike the goyim before the proper time, we shall mask it under the alleged ardent desire to serve the working classes..." (Protocols of Zion, 6)"

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Agenda 21? The Plan To Depopulate 95% Of The World By 2030

Global epidemic: Huge scale depopulation in short time


To achieve such huge scale depopulation with a relatively short deadline the actions were taken would have to be drastic. Either a world war, global epidemic or some kind of widespread starvation caused by massive crop failures would be the only likely ways of achieving this.

The idea also raises the question of which 5% of the global population would be saved? Would these be those strong and hardy enough to survive the conditions placed on the earth that would kill off the remaining 95%, or perhaps the survivors would be chosen selectively from the elite and wealthy? And those who wake up to this evil reality will be imprisoned in FEMA camps before their death. Is this what they are built for?

Whether such a plan could ever actually be successful is another matter. Plans of this size and scope would require the collusion and agreement of at least every first world government in the world, not to mention that the number of resources and effort that would have to go into keeping something like this covered up would be astronomical.

To read Agenda 21 62 page full report click here:


@ Persistent


The link to read the full document leads to a message: “404 page not found”.

Dear @NancyDrewberry Thank-you for calling our attention to this error. :slightly_smiling_face: A new link has been inserted.
God Bless

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Likewise good wishes.

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Reminder – World Wars Were Gentile Genocides

by tts-admin | Sep 17, 2021 — September 15, 2021

Sir Claude Dansey, Deputy Director of MI-6, a gay Freemason, sent hundreds of British and French Resistance agents to their deaths.

World wars were Gentile genocides designed to bring about the satanic New World Order.

As the covid hoax demonstrates, mankind is controlled by a satanic cult, the Illuminati, led by Cabalist Jewish bankers and their Freemason flunkies. In past world wars, the puppet “leaders” of both sides were Freemasons who colluded to destroy Europe and Christian Western civilization.

In “All the King’s Men,” (1988) Robert Marshall demonstrates that, in WW2, SOE agents , the cream of the young generation, were betrayed and marked for liquidation.

World War Two was a charade, just like Covid. The war was not between the Allies and the Axis but rather between the Illuminati and humanity. The war was a pretext to destroy the genetic elite: the natural leaders, the patriots and the idealists. It was a genocide of the Best, who in future might resist their plans for Luciferian one-world government.

Here The Protocols of Zion explain that the Nazis were controlled opposition.

The ‘Secret Masonry’ is setting up “an off position, [i.e. the Nazis] which … will present what looks like the very antipodes to us. Our real opponents at heart will accept this simulated opposition as their own and will show us their cards.” (Protocols of Zion 12.11)

The author of the Protocols writes that if any state objects to Rothschild domination, “it is only pro-forma, at our discretion, and by our direction, for their antisemitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren.” (Protocols of Zion 9)

Britain’s MI-6 Collaborated With Nazis

by Henry Makow PhD. — originally from April 14, 2011

I n the wake of D-Day June 6, 1944, hundreds of acts of sabotage were committed by the French Resistance — with one exception. There were none in the north and north west of France where they mattered most.image

There, the “Prosper” and related “Scientist” networks had been mopped by the Gestapo in 1943. Prosper’s courageous young leader, Francis Anthony Suttill, 34, was languishing in a concentration camp. He and scores of British agents were later executed, along with over 10,000 members of the French Resistance. One hundred and sixty planeloads of armaments –2600 containers — including tons of sten guns and explosives, were seized by the Nazis. (193)

Who was responsible for this debacle?
ccording to BBC Producer Robert Marshall’s well documented book, “All The King’s Men” (Collins, 1988) the culprit was none other than homosexual Freemason, Sir Claude Edward Marjoribanks Dansey (1876-1947) Deputy Head of MI-6.

Dansey deliberately placed a double agent, Henri Dericourt, at the heart of the Prosper organization. Dericourt, a French pilot, was responsible for organizing the nighttime shuttle of agents and materiel in and out of France.

He kept his handler, SS Sturmbannfuhrer Karl Baumelburg, head of counter sabotage in France, apprised of all the comings and goings, including the mail that passed back and forth. In return, the Gestapo allowed the operation to unfold which made Dericourt look very good indeed.

MI-6 placed their own man Nicolas Bodington in SOE to vouch for Dericourt and block all efforts by SOE to uncover the traitor. Bodington actually met with Baumelburg on a visit to Paris in 1943. They all had known each other before the war. It was Bodington who introduced Baumelburg to Delicourt.

After the war, Dericourt confirmed that he worked for Dansey. (151)

Why would MI-6 engage in this kind of treason?

Marshall offers this explanation. When Churchill formed a coalition government in 1940, Labour was promised ministerial control of one of the Intelligence Services. As a result, Special Operations Executive (SOE) was carved out of MI-6 and given responsibility for sabotage.

In revenge, Dansey and MI-6 decided to sabotage SOE by placing Dericourt (left) at the heart of its primary network and instructing him to betray it to the Gestapo.

After Prosper collapsed, Dansey and his superior, Sir Stewart Menzies lobbied to have SOE dissolved. In 1946, it was folded back into MI-6.

Since the network was doomed, they had Illuminatus Winston Churchill summon the heroic Francis Suttill to a private meeting where Churchill confided that D-Day would take place at Calais in September 1943.

They were confident that Gestapo torture methods would suffice to extract this juicy tidbit from Suttill or his confreres. (It did but the Nazis weren’t fooled, and actually transferred divisions from France to Russia.)


This book reveals truth about what goes on behind closed doors, a tremendous satanic fight with the city, and how those who are mind control manipulate the system to achieve satan's dirty work.

Agenda 2030 Implements Protocols of Zion (c. 1892)
January 6, 2023

Nobel Prize winner Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote that the book exhibits "the mind of a genius." Pretty good for a hoax, wouldn't you say?

"We own the world. You're being evicted."

"There remains a small space to cross before all states of Europe will be locked in the coils of the symbolic snake, by which we symbolize our people, as in a powerful vice."