The Spanish-version with embedded video and special note is also available to share with Spanish-speaking communities:
Secret Documents published by order of the U.S. Federal Court prove Pfizer, the FDA & Fact Checkers lied when they said Toxic Graphene Oxide was not inside the Covid-19 Vaccines
This Expose article as been added to Ricardo Delgado: “Despite the evidence, they continue to deny it” under additional expert reports at the end.
Thank you Henry Makow and The Truthseeker for picking up this article on Ricardo Delgado.
Keep sharing the Gibraltar Messenger article. Thank you.
Thank you to all the sites that picked up the Ricardo Delgado article from Henry Makow and translated into different languages to share this important news.
German / Deutsch:
Ricardo Delgado bestätigt: Graphen in Impfstoffen verwandelt Geimpfte in elektrisch leitfähige Objekte
French / Français:
Le graphène transforme les vaccinés en conducteurs et en « transhumains » : le point sur cette effarante histoire par Ricardo Delgado (traduction Hannibal)
Greek / Ελληνικά :
Ricardo Delgado - Το γραφένιο μετατρέπει τους εμβολιασμένους σε αγωγούς
Japanese /日本語 :
ゲームは終わった」デルガド博士 (The Game is Over)