Picardo's Brave New World of Gibraltar

In the video above, Picardo says:

"I think it’s important when we look forward to what the future of industry will be. We understand that a lot of what we take for granted today will completely disappear from the world of work. The 4th Industrial Revolution is about Artificial Intelligence; it’s about automation; it’s about the Internet of Things and how the automation will be enabled and controlled remotely – All of the is a BRAVE NEW WORLD. And there is an oppportunity for Gibraltar and La Linea to…"

The video is cut off, but it's possible he would be referring to the WiseKey Deal. :triangular_flag_on_post:

These three developments below should raise more red flags:

:triangular_flag_on_post: 1. Regulation for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The world is changing faster than ever. New technology is creating new industries, changing existing ones and transforming the way things are made. We need a more agile approach to regulation, that supports innovation while protecting citizens and the environment.

Technological breakthroughs in areas from artificial intelligence to biotechnologies are now heralding a Fourth Industrial Revolution, with the power to reshape almost every sector in every country. Our Industrial Strategy (https://www.gov.uk/government/topical-events/the- uks-industrial-strategy) positions the UK to make the most of this global transformation.

As the Fourth Industrial Revolution changes the way we live and work, it is vital that our regulatory system keeps pace.

We need to take action to maintain our world-beating regulatory system and realise the potential of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

In our Industrial Strategy, we committed to develop an agile regulatory approach that supports innovation and protects citizens and the environment. We need to act now to maintain our world-beating regulatory system in this period of transformational change.

Regulation has a powerful impact on innovation.

We need to reshape our regulatory approach so that it supports and stimulates innovation that benefits citizens and the economy.

But we can go further. The Business Secretary has established a Ministerial Working Group on Future Regulation to drive reform across government to put us at the forefront of the industries of the future.


:triangular_flag_on_post: 2. Human Rights Reforms

The original UK Human Rights Act Passed in 1998. It gives everybody living in the UK the ability to hold the government and public bodies to account if they fail to uphold their human rights.

If these human rights are breached, the Act means that people can take their case to a UK court and ask a judge to enforce them. A judge may also award them with compensation if their rights have been violated.

The HRA incorporates most of the rights enshrined under the European Convention on Human Rights, including the right to life, the prohibition of discrimination, freedom from torture, and the right to a fair trial.

For the families of 96 victims of the Hillsborough disaster, the Act helped them to get a proper inquest into the circumstances surrounding the deaths of their loved ones. (Watch The Hillsborough Ripple Effect).

The government has announced plans to reform the HRA following the publication of the IHRAR’s report, which looked at how the legislation has worked over the past two decades.

However, human rights lawyers and campaigners are concerned.

Ultimately, there are fears that the government is seeking to replace the act with a new Bill of Rights which could dilute the protections enshrined in the current legislation.

As part of the announcement, the government opened a three-month consultation, seeking views on these reforms.

Government Plan To Overhaul Human Rights Act Explained | EachOther

SaveUsNow is encouraging everyone to respond to the consultation- https://saveourrights.uk/human-rights-act-consultation/

Good explanation: UK “Reforming” Human Rights Law…Compulsory Vaccines on The Horizon? - Europe Reloaded

:triangular_flag_on_post: 3. Boris Johnson To Banish UK Judicial Review Procedure, Experts Fear 'damage To Justice'

The UK government is now set to limit the procedure of challenging official decisions. While the experts feared the new amendment would damage justice.


  1. Just like war criminals (ie Tony Blair) sought to get rid of the death penalty, looks like these politicians are legislating as a form of self-perservation.

  2. 4th Industrial Revolutionaries (Technocracy) want more power.

  3. Politicians and revolutionaries don't want to answer for their crimes.

Nothing to see here...

Understanding The Law:

Deut 4:2 Ye shall not ADD unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish [ought] from it, that ye may keep the Commandments of the "I AM" your God which I COMMAND you.

Is everyone beginning to understand why Father commanded this?

Petition to the Gibraltar Parliament Demanding the Return to God’s Law