We must face up to our responsibilities, and the consequences of the decisions and acts of our elected government, in the Gibexit negotiations as adults, who are exercising that level of self-determination and self-government reached.
Some of the outcomes of that negotiation are predicted, or predetermined, in and by the Gibraltar Protocol to the UK/EU Withdrawal Agreement. No one should forget the permanent concessions already made to frontier workers, and the temporary ones made in other fields.
Those latter compromises, despite their temporary nature, must demarcate any negotiation going forward. They are indicators of the nature of the equal treatment, ‘equities’, that will have to come within any treaty, and without argument.
Gibexit is a watershed moment, which our GSLP Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo, tells us he is leading on, and so in charge of. He must take full responsibility then, in an environment where spin, and lack of information, is his order of the day.
A treaty is a necessity, as suggested in the immediately preceding piece published here. So, Mr Picardo, why not be upfront with your people? It will serve you better when the ‘deal’ is announced.
Interestingly, all who profess ‘no deal’ do not explain their plan for future prosperity.
Continued at link.