Our "Leaders" Have Taken Blood Oaths

Survivor Testimony: Elon Musk was at a Satanic Ritual Like Me

Satanic Ritual Abuse survivor Jessie Czebotar states in her affidavit she was at a “Ritual of Blasphemy Ceremony” in 1982 – where she witnessed 12-year-old Elon Musk with other famous boys as a victim being inducted into the Satanic Cult.
Shownotes: Amazon.com
Donald Trump & Elon Musk - Secrets of the Asheville, NC Flood [PPTF Asheville Operations] (Aug.2024)
Clintons/Bushes Ate Child's Brains + Elon Musk Raped With A Jesus Statue Dipped in Blood (Aug. 2024)
Nathaniel Rothschild, 5th Baron Rothschild - Wikipedia

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