Our "Leaders" Have Taken Blood Oaths

Revelation of the Method: A Conversation with Tom Siebert, Parts One and Two

Tom Siebert a Film Critic and De-Occultist discusses the concept of the "Revelation of the Method" and how this is a part of the 5th Generational Warfare that is being waged on citizens around the globe and how the media wittingly and unwittingly aids the Dark Sorcerers who run the planet in hijacking the minds and breaking the spirit of the population and how it is impacting society in a pernicious way for 60+ years.

Reopening of Notre Dame in Paris: Symbols, colors and body language: Trump, Macron, Zelensky

William and Donald Trump meet at Notre Dame: Prince of Wales shares a warm handshake and embrace with the President-elect at rebuilt Paris cathedral

Trump and Macron were notably chummy. Quite the bizarre handshake found here

Trump's STRANGE & CODED Handshake with President of France

Notre Dame Antichrist Appears at Ceremony, THEN This Happens | RISE

As the Golden Age Ritual at Notre Dame in Paris shocks the world (for those who can "see"), Rome’s bishops and priests conduct a symbolic “rebirth” ceremony on December 8th, in honour of the sun god of Babylon on the evening of the “immaculate conception” feast. Pope Francis delivers a message of One World Religion and Unity as the agenda moves forward.
Article: Pope Francis prays at Rome's Spanish Steps for Immaculate Conception 2024, visits Salus Populi Romani | Catholic News Agency

Pope and Freemasons open "holy" doors beginning on 24 December 2024 + other news | RFB

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The reopening of The Notre Dame cathedral was filled with occult symbolism

This is what the Vatican is doing | RFB

Raising Osiris January 20, 2025 Inauguration Day - Ritual Magic Hidden In Plain Sight Exposed | SMHP

It's One BIG Club

"It's a Game" - Jeffrey Sachs

Freemasons Bankers Kabbalists Behind Trump's Plan for the Pan-American Union | CJB

Survivor Testimony: Elon Musk was at a Satanic Ritual Like Me

Satanic Ritual Abuse survivor Jessie Czebotar states in her affidavit she was at a “Ritual of Blasphemy Ceremony” in 1982 – where she witnessed 12-year-old Elon Musk with other famous boys as a victim being inducted into the Satanic Cult.
Shownotes: Amazon.com
Donald Trump & Elon Musk - Secrets of the Asheville, NC Flood [PPTF Asheville Operations] (Aug.2024)
Clintons/Bushes Ate Child's Brains + Elon Musk Raped With A Jesus Statue Dipped in Blood (Aug. 2024)
Nathaniel Rothschild, 5th Baron Rothschild - Wikipedia

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