On this day: 9/11 False Flag Operation


This article describes a general concept of nuclear demolition of skyscrapers - particularly in connection with known thermo-nuclear demolition schemes of the World Trade Center in New York

Ken O'Keefe upholds Adolf Hitler as a hero (Stew Peters may also, but I have not heard flat-earther Stew say that directly). There is a misinformation campaign going on, of which both of these characters (Ken and Stew) may be a part of. If they are being paid/funded by Nazis, it is ironic because they are being funded by Nazis who are working with the Ashkenazis jews (unbeknownst to Ken and Stew?) hence being funded by the enemy "jews" they are always talking about.

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9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out (Free 1-hour version) AE911Truth.org

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