Starting from February 1, the European Union Member States are advised to remove the current restrictions, which are based on the COVID-19 situation on the traveller’s country of departure and replace them with restrictions based on the traveller’s situation.
On Tuesday, January 25, the EU Council has adopted a new recommendation in another bid to facilitate safe free movement, which guides the Member States to take into account the status of the traveller, instead of his/her country of departure, reports.
“This means that a traveller’s COVID-19 vaccination, test or recovery status, as evidenced by a valid EU digital COVID certificate, should be the key determinant. A person-based approach will substantially simplify the applicable rules and will provide additional clarity and predictability to travellers,” the Council notes in a press release announcing the recommendation.
According to today’s decision of the Council, all restrictions to free movement should be lifted for travellers holding an EU digital COVID certificate that proves the same has been vaccinated with at least two COVID-19 vaccines in the last 270 days, a certificate of recovery from COVID-19 issued in the last 180 days, or a negative result of a test taken in the last 72 hours if it is PCR or the last 24 hours if it is a rapid antigen test.
This is not freedom.
It's the ability to move if you join the Branch Covidians. Just another way to reward their members and promote the "your-papers-please" passport.