Nuclear war

Hotspots 2024: The West is asking for a nuclear winter

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World » Europe

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, speaking at the international forum in Davos, announced that the advent of a new multipolar world was inevitable. Sullivan's announcement caused quite a stir in mass media.

See more at Hotspots 2024: The West is asking for a nuclear winter

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan , speaking at the international forum in Davos, announced that the advent of a new multipolar world was inevitable. Sullivan's announcement caused quite a stir in mass media.
See more at Hotspots 2024: The West is asking for a nuclear winter

Sullivan also noted that all foundations of the current international relations emerged as a result of world wars in which many countries of the world had taken part.

This is a historical fact indeed:

  • the Versailles system appeared after the World War One;
  • the Yalta-Potsdam system emerged after World War Two;

Today, on the eve of World War III, Sullivan essentially suggested taking American leadership into the future.

Sullivan admitted that it is the whole planet that has become the theatre of confrontation as the new world order is emerging, the the US will be ready to fight with sword and fire for it.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky who also spoke at Davos, said that Vladimir Putin was a predator that was going to conquer the whole world.

British Secretary of Defence Grant Shapps officially (!) stated that it was preparing to fight in several directions, including Russia, China, Iran and North Korea.

Shapps also boasted that the UK had trained more than 60,000 Ukrainian military personnel for the war with the Russian Federation since 2014 (that is, even before the special military operation).

In the meantime, one can see "nuclear hell” rising in different regions of the world at a time.

After Israel embarked on its war with Hamas, the United States and Great Britain conducted a series of strikes against the sovereign state of Yemen having ignored the UN Charter. The goal of their attacks is to take resources, set the region on fire and sow chaos, as they usually do in all their interventions.

Iran (the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps — IRGC) struck US and Mossad bases in Iraq. Later, Iranian drones and missiles attacked headquarters of the Jaish al-Zolm terrorist group in Pakistan. Pakistan responded with a strike against Iran.

The Indo-Pacific region is also at risk as the United States is trying to contain and neutralise its main adversary there — China. The Taiwan issue remain open, but the situation remains frozen.

Meanwhile, tensions have been rising between North (DPRK) and South Koreas. It is the northerners that have escalated the crisis. Pyongyang abolished the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Country, the National Economic Cooperation Bureau and the Kumgangsan International Tourism Office. DPRK leader Kim Jong-un said that North Korea no longer sought unification with the South. He also vowed to remove the monument to the possible reunification of the two Koreas — the Arch of Reunification.

One needs to bear in mind the fact that China, Russia, and the DPRK are nuclear powers; Iran, according to the IAEA and Stratfor experts, either has raw materials for three warheads, or already has three nuclear warheads.

In general, the West keeps talking about wars and nothing but wars. For some reason, however, Western officials do not say anything about nuclear wars. They believe that they can attack anyone they want and get away with it, but this is certainly not the case today. The world war that, as it appears, the West wants to occur in the foreseeable future will quickly evolve into a nuclear war that will dot all i's once and for all. The risks for a nuclear war to break out become increasingly tangible.

See more at Hotspots 2024: The West is asking for a nuclear winter

Blind western leaders risk nuclear catastrophe

Huge issues today. The state of Idaho is cutting off irrigation water to 500,000 acres of food farms, accelerating the engineered mass famine targeting America.

At the same time, incompetent US leaders keep provoking nuclear annihilation with Russia, utterly oblivious to the fact that America's nuclear arsenal has already been rendered obsolete.

Today we take a special look at Russia's nuclear submarine fleet, which is capable of launching over 1,000 nuclear warheads (estimated) at the continental United States, striking without warning, in mere minutes after launch.

Plus today we bring you a fascinating interview with John Richardson covering B17 (Laetrile), the natural substance that inspired the G. Edward Griffin book, "World Without Cancer." This is a must-hear interview.

Today's content is so detailed we are releasing TWO parts of Brighteon Broadcast News.

Brighteon Part 1

Brighteon Part 2



Host: Schiller Institute.
· Scott Ritter: former U.N. weapons inspector and U.S. Marine intelligence officer
· Col. (ret.) Richard H. Black: former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon; former State Senator, Virginia (Speaker’s views are not those of DOD or its agencies)
· Ray McGovern: former CIA analyst and co-founder of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)
· Helga Zepp-LaRouche: founder of the Schiller Institute

Scott Ritter Exposes: US Plan for Nuclear War - Is the World Hours Away From Total Annihilation
Highway to HELL. Arms race. Preempt.

Scott Ritter Exposes: US Plan for Nuclear War - Is the World Hours Away From...

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October 14, 2024

The Most Dangerous Point In History Is Right Now As Deep State Panic Hits 'Nuclear' Levels - When All Else Fails, They Will Take Us Into A Nuclear World War III

By Susan Duclos - All News Pipeline

As the previous article made clear, polling has some value, as in looking to the past can give you insight into the present, or even just as a snapshot of sentiment at the moment, and only of those that deem to answer the phone when the pollsters call.

With that said, as Kamala Harris loses that "Thank heavens Biden dropped out" bounce she enjoyed when she was still getting away with avoiding unscripted remarks and interviews, the so-called "elites," globalists, Democrat politicians, the liberal MSM, and the "Deep State" are all having panic attacks and meltdowns.

Their sole goal of keeping Donald Trump from retaking the White House, is crumbling with every word salad interview Heels up Harris or Tampon Tim give, each showing how fake and in-over-their-heads they truly are.

With just weeks away from the presidential election, and two, possibly three (the media is still spinning the possible third), media-incited assassination attempts, failing spectacularly, we are literally at the most dangerous point in history, because many, myself included, believe there is nothing the deep state and globalists won't do to prevent a Donald Trump win on November 5, 2024, or barring that, stopping him from being inaugurated in late January.

Nothing they won't do.

Including a nuclear world war.

With the Middle East, China-Taiwan, Russia-Ukraine, all powder kegs ready to blow, all becoming that way do to U.S. interference in affairs not our own, the scenario was gamed out long ago by those that have the power to blow up the world.

Top the conflicts off with the very important fact that each side in every conflict has nuclear powered allies, and we are watching what history books will call the beginning of World War III.
