King Charles and the Globalists set meeting for September at which they will plot how to accelerate goals of U.N. Agenda 2030 and the complete digitization of humanity

One of the biggest pushers of this dystopian vision is his royal highness King Charles, whose coronation will take place on May 6.
When Charles talks about the Great Reset and the goals of the U.N. it sounds more like a religion than anything else. Earth worship.

He beckons us to follow his lead into this new religion. While he claims to be a Christian, he never mentions the Bible, God the Father, or Jesus Christ, the one who has the desire to save not the Earth but the souls of those who inhabit the Earth. The Luciferians believe they can create their own version of heaven on Earth without the God of the Bible, and this is the greatest deception they dangle in front of weak human beings.

King Charles has his own page on the WEF website in which he outlines the “10 actions we must take to drive the green recovery.” These 10 actions are truly frightening were they ever to be fully implemented as they would allow for basically no freedom in a top-down dictatorship that decides for us how all resources are to be allocated and used.

The WEF wrote:

“Attacks on civil society and civic freedoms threaten to unravel achievements in meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They are weakening action to tackle economic inequality, gender imbalances, corruption and environmental degradation.”

So they have planned a special 2023 SDG Summit for September at which they will discuss the world’s shortcomings in meeting their 17 Sustainable Development Goals, calling the forum meeting “enormously significant,” as a plethora of world leaders are expected to be in attendance.

Who knows how they have timed this meeting. What other manufactured crises could be upon us by September? World War III? Food shortages and famine? Civil unrest?