N͟O͟T͟ A͟ C͟O͟I͟N͟C͟I͟D͟E͟N͟C͟E͟!
ADULT has 5 letters,
so does YOUTH . -
PERMANENT has 9 letters,
so does TEMPORARY . -
GOOD has 4 letters,
so does EVIL . -
BLACK has 5 letters,
so does WHITE . -
CHURCH has 6 letters,
so does MOSQUE . -
BIBLE has 5 letters,
so does QUR'AN . -
LIFE has 4 letters,
so does DEAD . -
HATE has 4 letters,
so does LOVE . -
ENEMIES has 7 letters,
so does FRIENDS . -
LYING has 5 letters,
so does TRUTH . -
HURT has 4 letters,
so does HEAL . -
NEGATIVE has 8 letters,
so does POSITIVE . -
FAILURE has 7 letters,
so does SUCCESS . -
BELOW has 5 letters,
so does ABOVE . -
CRY has 3 letters,
so does JOY . -
ANGER has 5 letters,
so does HAPPY . -
RIGHT has 5 letters,
so does WRONG . -
RICH has 4 letters,
so does POOR . -
FAIL has 4 letters,
so does PASS . -
KNOWLEDGE has 9 letters,
so does IGNORANCE .
Are they all by Coincidence?
This means LIFE is like a double edged sword but the choice we make determines our future.
When GOD wanted to create FISH, he spoke to the SEA
When GOD wanted to create TREES, he spoke to the EARTH.
But when GOD wanted to create MAN, he turned to HIMSELF.
So GOD said:
"Let us make man in our image and likeness".
If you take a fish out of the water
it will die;
And when you remove a tree from the ground, it also dies. -
Similarly, when man disconnects from GOD, he dies.
GOD is our natural environment.
We were created to live in HIS presence.
We have to be connected to Him because only with Him does LIFE exist.
Let's stay connected to GOD.
Remember that water without fish is still water, but fish without water is nothing .
The soil without the tree is still soil, but the tree without soil is nothing ...
God without man is still God, but man without GOD is nothing
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