the TL;DR (too long, didn't read) for this:-
There is a massive difference between seeing the original clip, and the cherry picked, framed (cropped video) and lead (told what is happening and like sheeple being blindly led).
Longer version:-
Before anyone falsely believes that I'm an Elon fan or mindless sheeple that doesn't understand these things.
I'm making this to point out some things that I believe are downright dishonest and deceptive in this video which appears to be made by a assertive, "knowing" conspiracy-bro that appears to suffer from Dunning-Kruger syndrone, or worse (professional propagandist)
00:00: I'm sure many of you are fully aware of what took place with Elon Musk and his son X.... Make no mistake about it
Sure? Fully aware? How can anyone be that? This is a bit like a primer, leading, adjusting the listener to something. Make no mistake? = Either you believe this or you are making a mistake
00:13 The worlds smallest crisis actor
So the conspiracy theory appears to be that they staged it and made X say what he said as some kind of inside masonic rite/joke...
00:20 Doing the masonic handsign... Signalling to the Masons. This is nothing more than a Masonic undertaking.
This is something I've thought for for a while as I keep seeing people pointing out and claiming it's masonic when politicians do it.
Is that merely, 100% what it is? A Masonic hand sign, a signal to show people in the know something?
Well, I sometimes do it, and I'm not a freemason.
Why do I do it? I believe you, the reader probably knows why.
Remember and imagine yourself being at a public event, perhaps you are to have s speech in front of alot of people. You have to keep focused, centered, grounded, not nervous. You also have to look good, symmetrical? smart, composed, rational. How does it make you feel to keep your hands together, how about fingers together?
Where and how do you keep your hands? Think about where in comparison to keeping them like this below, in a public high stakes situation
0:44 Diamond sign being 33 numerology
Here's some research I put together about this:-
Research shows that touching your fingertips together can actually help you feel calmer and more focused. This simple gesture isn't just a random habit; it has roots in ancient practices like yoga, where specific hand positions (mudras) are used to influence mental states. Studies have found that....[continued]
1:15 Doing the thumbs down sign
One frame of a let's say 15 minute long event of the child appearing to do a thumbs down sign. How relevant is this? Could it mean just about anything?.
2:45 He (X) is taking directions from someone off camera
How does he know that? The room probably is full of staff an photographers moving about, photographing etc which catches X's attention.
3:00-> Now come the claims of what X is saying. I've not been able to discern what he is saying using my 200 dollar studio headphones. Do I believe that the creartor of this video has? No. Has anyone here?
The creator of the video has also cropped the video which changes how we perceive it significantly.
I also believe it looks more like X is looking at someone off camera and not Trump. See 18:57 as he notices something off camera and keeps looking there and not at Trump.
Quite a difference between seeing the above moment and the cherry picked, framed (cropped video) and lead (told what is happening and like sheeple being led) conspiracy-bro. Isn't there?
5:27 The added Scripture quote, movie references, music are in this instance dishonestly used mind control elements.