Vilnius is known as the The Jerusalem of Lithuania; The Jerusalem of the North; and Jerusalem of Europe

‘Vilnius Fortress’: Patriot batteries and thousands of troops to protect leaders at NATO summit

The security measures to protect the meeting are also extraordinary, as around 40 heads of state and government (the 31 Allies, plus other guests such as Sweden, Ukraine and several Asian democracies) converge on the capital of Lithuania for the two-day summit 11-12 JUL

Batteries of German Armed Forces Patriot air defense systems could be seen alongside the runway, some pointed towards the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad, others in the direction of Belarus/Russia.

But this is not the Allies’ only special contribution to the security of the summit. Spain has provided medium-range Nasams air defense units; France, Caesar artillery pieces; various Allies have provided fighter jets; London and Paris contributed defense systems against drones; Berlin and Warsaw sent helicopter-borne special task forces. Meanwhile, NATO’s task force against chemical, biological and nuclear risks is operational. And 16 members have sent 1,000 troops who will join the 3,000 local soldiers that Lithuania has mobilized for the occasion, according to local authorities.

Lithuania is pulling out all the stops to the best of its ability. Among other things, it has tripled border control activities.


Kristi Raik on Vilnius: Messages to Ukraine must avoid previous vagueness

The fact that Zelenskyy has postponed his decision whether to go to Vilnius or not until the last moment, naturally demonstrates that there have been very tense discussions between NATO member states about what leeway Ukraine will have in Vilnius.

Expectations are running high, but Ukraine has no hope of achieving precisely what it would have wanted, and what Ukraine's supporters on NATO's eastern wing have wanted too, i.e. for Ukraine to be invited to join NATO as early as this Tuesday, in Vilnius, on the understanding that this is only after hostilities have stopped.

There has been much debate about the precise wording. Everyone understands that NATO now needs to offer Ukraine something more than it did in Bucharest back in 2008, that that mistake must not be repeated – one where such a vague message is given, which then encourages Russia to behave more aggressively.



SCOTT RITTER: NATO Summit, a Theater of the Absurd

The unfulfilled goals and objectives from last year’s meeting in Madrid loom over the Atlantic military alliance. When the membership meets in Vilnius this week, normalizing failure might best describe the most that can be accomplished.

The leaders of NATO’s 31 constituent member states have begun to assemble in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, for the alliance’s 33rd summit, an event that has come to symbolize the military organization’s increasingly difficult task of transforming political will into tangible reality.

Full article

G7 allies set to announce security package for Ukraine at Vilnius Nato summit

All members of the G7 are set to sign a long-term security arrangement with Ukraine that Rishi Sunak said had the potential to “return peace to Europe”.

With the British Prime Minister citing the UK as having played a leading role in the pact, No 10 said the accord marked the first time that so many countries had agreed a comprehensive multi-year security arrangement of such a nature with another country.

Wednesday’s G7 declaration, which is expected to be ratified in the margins of the Nato summit in Vilnius, is set to provide more defence equipment, increase and accelerate intelligence sharing and bolster support for cyber defences.

It plans to expand training programmes and military exercises, while also developing Ukraine’s industrial capabilities, according to Downing Street.

Full article.

Zelensky hits out at lack of Vilnius summit timetable for Ukraine to join Nato

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak told reporters on his way to the Lithuanian capital that he wanted to see Nato’s commitment to inducting Ukraine as a full member of the alliance “reaffirmed” during the two-day gathering.

Mr Sunak repeated his stance that, for the UK, Ukraine’s “rightful place is in Nato”.

Britain has voiced its support for fast-tracking Kyiv through the membership process, arguing much of the military reforms asked of it are being witnessed on the battlefield in its fight against Russia’s invading troops.

Full article.

NATO summit opens in Vilnius amid protests, criticism

-NATO summit opens in Vilnius amid protests, criticism | CanIndia News
Pointing out that the summit will see “calls for further escalation” of the Ukraine war, the “Stop the War coalition” organised a day of protests across Britain on Saturday, calling for peace. In Paris, a march against the military alliance drew hundreds of people, with many calling for France to withdraw from NATO.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova predicted the summit would be “a colourful spectacle in the worst traditions of Western manipulation,” according to the RIA news agency.

“NATO is not a defence alliance; it is an alliance that wages illegal wars,” Sevim Dagdelen, a member of the German Left Party, told Xinhua, accusing NATO of fighting a proxy war against Russia by supplying military aid to Ukraine.


Viktor Orbán Helps Prevent WW III in Vilnius: “We Should Bring Peace Instead of Weapons to Ukraine”

With Joe Biden calling a lid at the NATO summit in Vilnius, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán helped prevent Ukraine from joining NATO. A NATO membership for Ukraine would put the defensive alliance at war with Russia, potentially sparking WW III. While Hungary was the only member state to publicly voice its opposition to bringing the most corrupt country in Europe into NATO, many others “advised caution behind closed doors”, said Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó.

NATO summit in Vilnius concludes with strong support for Ukraine

'As Ukraine continues to liberate territory, we will stand by them for as long as it takes,' says Stoltenberg.

NATO's Vilnius summit concluded on Wednesday with strong support for Ukraine as allies agreed on a three-part package "to bring Ukraine closer to the alliance," while G-7 countries signed a joint declaration on Kyiv's security guarantees.

In his closing remarks, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said that the allies just concluded a "historic" NATO summit in Lithuania with agreement on the "most detailed and robust defense plans since the Cold War."

Underlining that they also reaffirmed to bring Ukraine closer to the alliance, and step up support for the long haul, Stoltenberg said NATO and Ukraine will meet in the NATO-Ukraine Council to discuss matters as equal partners from now on.

"I also welcome the major new announcements of military support made by NATO allies at this summit," he said.

Regarding his meeting with Indo-Pacific partners, the NATO chief said: "Beijing’s global assertiveness and Moscow’s war against Ukraine require even closer coordination between NATO, the EU, and our Indo-Pacific partners."


what is war

Equal partners and THAT amount of (continued) support – Is this Ukraine being a member without calling it a member?

Timofey Bordachev: Here’s why the US will almost certainly never allow Ukraine to join NATO

RT – (excerpts)

The Ukrainian crisis marks the first time in history that the United States has exposed itself to serious risks in defining the limits of its military presence in Europe. Any genuine move by Washington to invite Kiev into NATO would imply a willingness to enter into a direct military confrontation with Russia. A less risky option, many believe, would be to promise the Vladimir Zelensky regime some special bilateral guarantees.

The NATO military bloc was created on the basis of the real division of Europe into zones of influence between the US and the USSR after the Second World War. As a result of the greatest armed confrontation in the history of mankind, the bulk of European states lost forever the ability to determine fundamental issues of their national policy. These included, first and foremost, defense and the ability to form alliances with other countries. Europe was divided between the real winners of the conflict – Moscow and Washington.

A military alliance between relative equals is possible, as it was until the middle of the last century, but nuclear weapons have made this impossible. The former sovereign states of Europe became a territorial base from which the great powers could negotiate in peace and act in war.

NATO has an informal rule of not admitting countries with unresolved territorial disputes with third states – the US has never been willing to occupy land whose ownership is disputed. NATO’s post-Cold War expansion was based on deception, with the US promising Moscow that it would not expand NATO to Russia’s borders. But, initially, Russia did not have the physical strength to resist.

This was all the more so as the accession of new countries to NATO in the 1990s and 2000s was ‘packaged’ with the enlargement of the European Union. This gave local elites every reason to aspire to join the bloc.

In this sense, Western Europe increasingly resembles Latin America, where the quality of life of the population doesn’t have dramatic consequences for the elites. There, geographical proximity to the US has long been a reason for almost total American control.

Joining NATO is an exchange of state sovereignty for the indefinite retention of power by the ruling elite. This is the secret of every political regime's desire to join the bloc: it gives them the possibility of “immortality" in spite of any domestic or economic failures.

Russia-NATO Showdown

Sputnik – The Western alliance continues to maintain that it is not a party to conflict in Ukraine, despite revelations in the Pentagon leaks that in addition to training, intelligence support and tens of billions worth of advanced weaponry, several NATO countries actually have special forces boots on the ground. Moscow considers the crisis in Ukraine a “proxy war” between itself and the Western alliance, emphasizing that the conflict would end immediately if Washington and its allies ended their military support for Kiev, and wouldn’t have started if NATO had respected Russia’s security concerns in the first place.

"Minister of National Defence, Angel Tilvar, signed on Tuesday, July 11, as part of the NATO Summit from Vilnius, the Joint Declaration on the formalization of the Training Coalition for the Ukrainian Air Force, in order to operate the F-16 aircraft," the statement read. - NATO Allies Sign Pact on F-16 Jet Training for Ukraine

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The United States and its NATO allies are creating risks of direct confrontation with Russia, and this could lead to catastrophic consequences, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said, adding that Moscow will consider delivery of nuclear-capable F-16s to Kiev as a threat from the West.

In addition, Lavrov called the US plans to supply Ukraine with F-16 fighter jets "just one example of extremely dangerous development of events."

"We have informed the nuclear powers - the United States, the United Kingdom and France - that Russia cannot ignore the ability of these aircraft to carry nuclear weapons," Lavrov said.

Scott Ritter: NATO Summit Serves Up Cringe Nothing-Burger

Back in 1984, Wendy’s (an American fast-food chain) released an advertisement starring an elderly actress named Clara Peller. The premise of the ad had Peller ordering a hamburger from an unnamed competitor, only to receive a very large bun containing a very small beef patty on the inside.

Upon examining the burger, Peller looks up in exasperation, and proclaims “Where’s the beef?”

In the aftermath of the Vilnius-hosted NATO Summit, a two-day affair spanning July 11-12, one cannot help but feel that the spirit of Clara Peller was channeled into the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, as he pored over the results of the event, and contrasted them with the expectations that existed going into the summit. I don’t know how to say “Where’s the beef” in Ukrainian, but something like that phrase had to be coursing through the mind of the Ukrainian President as he examined the big “nothing burger” that NATO had delivered up for him.

The Vilnius Summit was intended to showcase the alliance’s unity and resolve in the face of the challenges presented by Russia and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. There had been a great deal of discussion prior to the summit about the prospects of Ukrainian membership in NATO. It was understood by all parties that, while the conflict between Ukraine and Russia remained in an active phase, Ukrainian membership was impossible, if for no other reason that, under Article 5 of the NATO charter, NATO would immediately find itself in a war with Russia which had a good chance of going nuclear.

The working premise going into the Vilnius Summit was that NATO would empower Ukraine to carry out a massive counteroffensive designed to break through the Russian defenses and drive to the Sea of Azov, thereby severing the land bridge between Crimea and Russia, forcing Russia to negotiate an end to the conflict. At that juncture, having “frozen” the conflict on terms that would be unfavorable to Russia, NATO would extend an invitation to Ukraine for membership, thereby shrouding Ukraine’s gains with Article 5 protections while effectively checking any future Russian offensive operations.

In the weeks leading up to the summit, Ukraine was desperately trying to do its part, throwing its newly constituted NATO-trained and equipped assault brigades at prepared Russian defenses in actions which made the infamous “Charge of the Light Brigade” seem like the epitome of military planning and execution by comparison. With much of its NATO-provided weaponry, including the much-touted Leopard tanks and Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, destroyed or damaged without ever reaching the main Russian defensive positions, and some 20,000 Ukrainian casualties, the Ukrainian counteroffensive fizzled out. Instead of presenting his NATO partners with a decisive Ukrainian victory, Zelensky confronted his erstwhile allies with the harsh reality that not only would the conflict with Russia not be ending any time soon, but also the growing realization that, when it did end, it would be as a decisive Russian military victory.

Confronted with this reality, NATO sought to soften expectations about Ukrainian membership. Rather than provide Ukraine with a concrete road map to membership, NATO declared that it would extend an invitation to Ukraine when “conditions are met”, one of which is that the conflict with Russia must be over. NATO offered up as a consolation prize the establishment of a NATO-Ukraine Council “to advance political dialogue, engagement, cooperation, and Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations for membership in NATO,” and promised to “continue our support for as long as it takes.”

For Zelensky, these words ring hollow in the face of a deteriorating situation on a battlefield largely defined by the previous support of NATO. And the harsh reality of the battlefield looms large as Zelensky departs Vilnius with little more than assurances that NATO will continue to support Ukraine along the lines of what it has done to date. But all that this support has done is condemn hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers to death, while stripping bare both the armories and coffers of Ukraine’s NATO partners.

Zelensky must likewise reflect on the words of President Joe Biden who, in an interview with CNN, noted that Ukraine was “not ready for membership in NATO,” adding that any such dialogue was “premature” while Ukraine was in the middle of a conflict. Biden also stated that he did not “think there is unanimity in NATO about whether or not to bring Ukraine into the NATO family now, and that the process could take place only after a peace agreement with Russia was in place.”

But to achieve a peace that created the conditions favorable to Ukraine joining NATO meant that Ukraine must first defeat the Russian army on the field of battle. To do that, Ukraine would need NATO to radically alter the formulation upon which current levels of military assistance were being calculated, if for no other reason that the current formulations were, simply put, not working. But NATO is neither inclined nor capable of changing this formulation. Its goal has never been to defend Ukraine, but rather defeat Russia, a cause it is willing to pursue to the last Ukrainian.

Zelensky came to Vilnius like customers flock to fast food restaurants, full of expectations about the delicious burger they are going to order and consume, only to find himself cast in the role of Clara Peller, shouting out in exasperation, “Where’s the beef?”

It's not the role Zelensky wanted or expected rolling into the Vilnius Summit. For more than 500 days he had been cast as the modern-day incarnation of Winston Churchill, a heroic figure standing firm against the forces of evil. But Zelensky operates in the theater of the absurd, where perception trumps reality until which time reality hits hard, and the script changes. The narrative has flipped, with Ukraine transformed from the leading character into part of the supporting cast. Zelensky the politician must be disappointed by this turn of events. But Zelensky the actor simply looks down at the words put before him, written by others, takes his cue, and reads aloud.

“Where’s The Beef?”

The answer doesn’t matter. There is no beef. It’s just a script. And Zelensky is just an actor, playing out his role in the tragic opera that has become the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, watching helplessly as his nation and people are being sacrificed on behalf of a dysfunctional NATO alliance that proclaims its mission as peace, but whose only product is war.

BREAKING NEWS: NATO Summit produces plan to fast-track Ukrainian membership into the military alliance, practically guaranteeing onset of World War III

by Leo Hohmann | Jul 13, 2023

Leo Hohmann – July 12, 2023

It should be troubling to everyone living in the U.S., Canada and Europe that two days after Joe Biden announced to the world that the U.S. is “running low” on ammunition, he and his NATO partners announce they are doubling down on their support for Ukraine’s inclusion in the NATO military alliance, which is a clear provocation to nuclear-armed Russia.

Sweden will be allowed into NATO immediately and Ukraine is being placed on a “path forward” to full NATO membership, said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Tuesday, July 11, at the NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania.

“This will move Ukraine closer to NATO,” he said, adding that the membership process for Ukraine is being fast-tracked “from a two-step process into a one-step process.”

Finland just joined NATO a couple of months ago. Now Sweden. Soon Ukraine.

Russia will be surrounded by heavily armed NATO member states.

The West has now fully played its hand.

The whole reason for the war between Russia and Ukraine is because Russia didn’t want Ukraine joining the Western military alliance known as NATO.

NATO is not like the E.U., which is an economic alliance. NATO is a large and growing military alliance of 31 countries that has more than doubled in size since its founding in 1949 and in recent years has added former Eastern Bloc nations on Russia’s border, in direct violation of v**erbal assurances made to Russia** by then-Secretary of State James A. Baker III, upon the breakup of the Soviet empire in 1990. If one country gets attacked by a non-NATO country, all of NATO is pledged to join in the fighting under a collective defense clause known as “Article 5.”

But what if one NATO member provokes an invasion from Russia or some other country? Then all of the other 30 NATO members are pledged to come to the aid of that one nation that provoked war.

By surrounding a nuclear-armed world power the likes of Russia, NATO is acting in the most reckless and provocative manner possible for a military alliance that is designed with a collective “defense” clause.

Below, watch NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, speaking to the media at the NATO Summit in Vilnius, on Tuesday, July 11, 2023.

NATO Secretary General Drops Bombshell Doorstep Statement

NATO Secretary General Drops Bombshell Doorstep Statement

For further research see the post/thread

Stoltenberg also told assembled media that NATO has agreed to put 300,000 troops on “Stand-by” alert. “This includes air and naval assets” he added.

By stating that Ukraine is on a “multi-year path to NATO membership,” this is the equivalent of a declaration of war against Russia. It gives Russia no incentive to end the war with Ukraine because Russia now knows that as long as there is a sovereign country called Ukraine, it will be on a path to joining a military alliance dedicated to the destruction of Russia, or at the very least greatly weakening it. In fact, there’s already a neocon plan on the books in Washington to defeat Russia militarily and break it up into several separate countries.

At the press conference shown in the above video, Stoltenberg says NATO has granted “security guarantees” to Ukraine in the interim, “so the most important thing we can do is continue to provide weapons, ammunition and military support to Ukraine because unless Ukraine prevails as a nation, as a democratic nation in Europe, there is no issue to be discussed about security guarantees or membership in NATO at all. On the NATO issue we will send a positive message… later today when all allies agree on the text, but I expect that allies will agree on a message which is clear on the need to move Ukraine closer to NATO… this is all about moving Ukraine closer to NATO membership, which will be extremely important for Ukraine and also demonstrate the unity and the strength of the message sent to Ukraine.”

All of the questions from the media at this press conference sounded like pre-rehearsed, planted questions from media outlets that are not independent but rather owned and operated by the same forces that own NATO.

At the same time this group of war-hungry NATO militants announce their plans to militarize Ukraine and make it a pawn of their own agenda, they “condemn” Russia for doing the same in Belarus.

The U.S. and NATO get to add Finland, Sweden and Ukraine into their military alliance, but Russia doesn’t get to include even one country, Belarus, into its military alliance. Now that sounds like a deal made in hell bent on sparking a global conflagration such that no one has ever seen in terms of its potential to devastate nations, destroy human lives and turn the global order on its head.

NATO acts as if it’s not aware that Russia is allied militarily with China. Maybe they know something about China that we don’t. Maybe when the Chinese head of state shook hands and exchanged warm goodbyes with the Russian leader a few weeks ago after their summit it was all an act. Maybe China is really on our side. I don’t know. But it looks to me that we now have all the makings of full-blown world war. All the ingredients needed are set out on the table, just waiting for them to come together. We have Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia on one side, and we have the U.S., Western Europe, Australia, South Korea and Japan on the other side. Neither side seems to want to leave the door open, or even slightly cracked, for the possibility of peace.

Yes, Russia invaded Ukraine with the goal of reclaiming the Russian-speaking parts of that country, claiming those Russians had come under harassment and even military attacks from the Ukrainian government in Kiev since a U.S.-sponsored coup took place in 2014, removing a pro-Russian leader.

Let’s summarize what’s happened in just the last couple of months in terms of the West’s response to that invasion. The Western NATO powers led by the United States have:

  • Sent F-16s to Ukraine and are now training Ukrainian pilots in how to operate them.
  • France announces it will send cruise missiles to Ukraine joining the U.S. and U.K. as the main suppliers of long-range missiles to Ukraine.
  • First the U.K. and then the U.S. announce they will send armor-piercing radiological depleted uranium shells to Ukraine, which if used will likely poison that country’s rich farmland for decades to come.
  • U.S. announces it will send cluster bombs to Ukraine which are so dangerous to civilian populations that they’ve been banned by 120 nations.
  • U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has said the purpose of NATO’s involvement in Ukraine is to “weaken Russia,” and other high-level government officials have made similar comments, making it clear that this expense of money, weapons, and eventually American lives, has nothing to do with liberating anyone in Ukraine from any sort of tyranny in the name of “protecting Democracy.”
  • NATO leaders meet at a summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, to declare their eagerness to foment perpetual war in Eastern Europe, while all but guaranteeing that the war will spread to Western Europe and potentially the United States, because Russia now knows that the one thing it most feared, a NATO membership for Ukraine, has been promised to be a reality.

The news out of Vilnius today was horrible news for Ukraine. In the eyes of Putin and any red-blooded Russian patriot, the very existence of Russia now depends on the total defeat of Ukraine. Look for Putin to ratchet up his war machine exponentially, because he now has zero incentive to end this war peacefully. He will annihilate Ukraine and likely have to occupy it forever. Anything short of that invites the West and its weapons to sit on his border providing a clear path all the way to Moscow. To avoid this tragic result, all the West had to do was assure Putin that Ukraine would remain a neutral country. They refused.

From the standpoint of a civilian and a Christian living in the West, these developments are very troubling. We are living in a time of historic global upheaval. Prepare yourselves for catastrophic war-time impacts. It didn’t have to be this way. Ukrainian and Russian leaders wanted to sit down and resolve their differences peacefully in April 2022. But the governments of the U.S. and the U.K. already had something else up their sleeves, which did not in any way involve peace.

The day after the Vilnius Summit – Thursday 13 July – Biden Signs Order to Activate 3,000 Reservists for Europe Deployments

President Biden on Thursday signed an executive order allowing the Pentagon to mobilize 3,000 reservists for deployments in Europe, where the US military has significantly increased its presence since the Ukraine conflict.

Since February 2022, the US has deployed over 20,000 additional troops to Europe, bringing US troop levels on the continent to over 100,000 for the first time since 2005. The US has beefed up its presence in Eastern Europe and currently has over 10,000 troops in Poland.

The mobilization of 3,000 reservists signals the US military is strained by maintaining a large troops presence in Europe. A spokesman for US European Command (EUCOM) said the authority will “not change current force-posture levels,” suggesting the reservists might be used to rotate other troops out of Europe.

“These authorities will ensure long-term resilience in EUCOM’s continued heightened level of presence and operations,” said EUCOM spokesman Capt. Bill Speaks.

The Pentagon said the reservists will support Operation Atlantic Resolve, the name for US military activities in Europe that have come in response to events in Ukraine since 2014, the year a US-backed coup in Kyiv led to Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the civil war in Ukraine’s Donbas region.

NATO summit shows Russia needs to meet special operation’s goals — diplomat

"I can briefly outline the conclusions that we had drawn with regards to the outcomes of the NATO summit. Firstly, the objectives of the special military operations must be fulfilled. Secondly, the Army, the Navy and the Aerospace Forces should be strengthened," the deputy minister told the Big Game TV show late on Thursday.

"Also, we should boost integration within unions and allied organizations where Russia is a member. And we need to further strengthen relations with the global majority, with all those who are not willing to succumb to domination and are ready to cooperate with Russia on the basis of national interests," the diplomat added.

In his words, a multipolar world has already become a reality.

"No matter what NATO does, it will fail. There is no way to reverse this process," Grushko added.

Ezek 38:1 And the Word of the "I AM" came unto me, saying,
38:2 Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech (Moscow) and Tubal (Tobolsk), and prophesy against him,
38:3 And say, Thus saith the Lord "I AM"; Behold, I [am] against thee, O Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech (Moscow) and Tubal (Tobolsk):
38:4 And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws (hunger), and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts [of armour, even] a great company [with] bucklers and shields, all of them handling weapons of destruction (lightning):
38:5 Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet:
38:6 Gomer, and all his bands; the House of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: [and] many people with thee.
38:7 Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them.

Italian diplomat goes off on NATO summit, calling it ‘pathetic and dangerous’

The United States and NATO at the Vilnius summit demonstrated “political irresponsibility and cynicism” combined with lies, palming off the Alliance’s actions as being aimed at peacekeeping while at the same time suggesting to continue the conflict with a nuclear power, Russia, former Italian ambassador to Tehran and Beijing, diplomat Alberto Bradanini, said in an interview with TASS on Friday.

“The conclusions of this summit are dangerous also because in the verbose and unintelligible text (11,256 words full of ideology, prejudice and lies) of the final document...
If peace were the focal point of the discussion in Vilnius, we would have had a compromise proposal to work on, not an insistent demand to withdraw Russian troops from Ukrainian territories, which is tantamount to demanding that Russia admit defeat, although it dominates the battlefield among other things,” the diplomat went on to say.

Ezek. 13:10 Because, even because they have seduced My people, saying, Peace; and [there was] NO peace; and one built up a wall (U.N.O. and NATO), and, lo, others daubed it with untempered [mortar]:

NATO Summit and Further Geopolitical Events

Discussion About the Risks of Escalation


In the last several days, some interesting events happened that warrant discussion:

  • The NATO Summit in Vilnius took place.
  • The commander of the 58th Russian Army has been dismissed.
  • Two interesting escalatory steps have been announced by NATO.
  • European Industry vs. European Military.
  • Erdogan and Turkey.

I will summarize my thoughts on these items.

Full article

Any nation that is truly free and independent should immediately exit this military alliance and even non-members should totally free themselves from NATO's Luciferian psychological clutches. Because NATO's psychopathic leaders base their speech and their actions on moral alchemy, warmongering and a Satanic lust for power over the free minds of people everywhere.

NATO has become military wing of globalist cabal that promotes the self-destruction of all nations in a depopulated world

In case there was any confusion over what NATO really stands for, the military alliance's general secretary cleared things up with a bold tweet.

One of NATO’s primary missions is to spread instability throughout the world, using the military-industrial complex to bully and intimidate countries non-compliant with a militant anti-family anti-God agenda flowing out of Western capitals and promoted by Western media.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg asserted on Friday the alliance's commitment to defending the rights of LGBTQ individuals, aligning with numerous Western officials, institutions, and organizations in commemorating the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia.

Full article


"Have you considered that the reason NATO supports Ukraine and its neo-Nazi elements is not so much for the hate of Russia but because these are ‘their’ people…? They are the uni-party, the enemies within all nations-orchestrating the war. And in 1944 they held the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference - sounds like banksters, right? - but the world calls it the Bretton Woods Conference to deflect, this was the last Great Reset. They reset the post WW2 international economic order, handed the baton for the currency to the USA, handed the baton for endless wars to the United Nations and the Anglo-American empire with NATO as their cover. The NATO compass is clearly a swastika, cleverly disguised but a swastika nonetheless."

Just an incomplete little reply on a detail that caught my eye:-

Not clearly.

Because if we read about swastikas we learn:-

In Hinduism, the right-facing symbol (clockwise) (卐) is called swastika, symbolizing surya ('sun'), prosperity and good luck, while the left-facing symbol (counter-clockwise) (卍) is called sauvastika, symbolising night or tantric aspects of Kali.

So it would be a sauvastika.

Is a compass rose also a sauv... wait, what.. A SWASTIKA??!11?

Russia has a significant presence of far-right and neo-Nazi groups too...