NASA Finally Reveals the Truth About Fake Moon Landings

Here’s an analysis of stars astronauts did photograph.

Impressive how he matches the stars/venus in the the Stellarium astrology software.

I like Scott's Ukraine flag, funny how these Libtard/sheeple commies all believe the same Government propaganda unfailingly, I bet he had a fully vaxxed picture on his profile prior to this....and probably a rainbow prior to that...

For the sake of the argument (that we didn't go to the moon) it would be better if you answered unanswered questions (such as these) instead of shooting the messenger (this behavior will be added to this list)

Please add it to your CIA watchlist. Thanks

Are you imagining my list of your questionable behavior is a CIA watch list or are you just jesting?

Clearly not achieved using hairspray. Or what do you think @NancyDrewberry who liked @ThePrisoners post? You’re probably more knowledgeable in hair spray.

Ha ha ha should I expect a visit from SUPO, or the Ministry of Truth?

Apollo Discussions - Part 40 - CRITIQUED
"Vacuum Testing Again? Nasa won't talk to Us? An Open Letter to Professor Brian Cox? Marcus Allen Pusses Out Again! Apollo trinkets & artefacts? Another fake TikTok (Robert uses tic toc) video?"

I'm amazed the "detectives" who claim to be experts didn't know or realize about the CBS created spacewalk simulation footage.

Again, Marcus talking with assertion appearing to be an expert, claiming things without proof vs the creator of this video who has compiled material that clearly shows that Marcus doesn’t know what he is talking about.

"So how is the heat removed? Come on you parrots let's hear the answer, or what you think the answer is, and WE'LL DECONSTRUCT IT FOR YOU, IT'S NOT DIFFICULT". Marcus "I pussed out" Allen.

Answer provided in the video. Now it over to you Marcus and the rest of the Apollo "Detectives" to DECONSTRUCT IT FOR us, because IT'S NOT DIFFICULT. An immediate response from the ADs is expected.

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@ThePrisoner NASA could send rockets back to the moon and use some of the modern robots we have a seen instead of humans?

Possibly....Just noticed you have Judge Dredd as your avatar/logo. Used to read 2000AD when i was much younger....

Me too

Arnold Stodgeman ha ha ha. Does it still exist?