NASA Finally Reveals the Truth About Fake Moon Landings

Doesn't look like a foot or an arm.

NASA claims that Al Shepard pulled the camera's cable with his foot although he says nothing of it. The object is too thick for a cable,which was on a tripod. The camera does not move or tip over...

It's not just the cable but a connector. The camera is clearly moving.

At about 135:24:38, late in the Apollo 14 EVA-2 close-out, Ed Mitchell was about to head up the ladder. Al Shepard was walking toward the ladder from the MESA with the rockbox, which he would hand to Ed once Ed was up on one of the lower rungs and had had a chance to stomp his boots to clean some of the dust off his legs. As Al moved toward the ladder, his foot caught under the TV cable and pulled it enough that the camera tipped forward and fell to the ground. As indicated below, this was at least the fifth instance during the close-out that the camera moved as a result of Al snagging the TV cable with his boot. An analysis of this sequence of cable tugs suggests that, cumulatively, they put the camera and cable in a much more vulnerable configuration than would have otherwise been the case.


I've not been able to find a long video to look into it properly. They say he/they snagged on the cable 5 times.

You can also read it in the transcript:-

135:16:39 Mitchell: Your feet are about to get tangled up in the TV cable again. Don't fall.
135:24:53 Haise: ...someone must have got caught in the cable; we just saw the TV go over.

Dishonest quote-mining.

"In September 2015, Buzz Aldrin gave an interview at the National Book Festival in Washington, D.C. Flat-Earthers misrepresented and quoted it out of context as if Buzz was admitting that the Apollo Moon landings never happened.

The original interview was 17 minutes long, and there were other occasions Buzz clearly said the Moon landings happened, without any possibility of misinterpretation."

"We are also really pushing the boundaries in terms of where we are going forward, with exploration. I think humans are naturally driven to do this. And, this is really the beginning, I think, of human beings leaving low Earth orbit. I certainly plan on being around to see that."

I don't see her explicitly admitting that humans have not left Earth's orbit before. You can begin and stop things many times. She's referring to current NASA programs and them being a beginning to leave low Earth orbit. Since there hasn't been programs to do that since the Apollo programs it's a big deal and a new beginning. Mentioning the Apollo programs isn't necessary because they are self-evident.

Seeing/reading other interviews by her talking about the Apollo programs makes it hard to believe that she would believe/know that the Apollo missions were fake and somehow make a slip up like that.