Nano-Technology in Covid Injections – It’s for Communications, It’s Technological Parasitism

Nanobots That Release Toxins And Harvest Energy From the Body

[Human batteries, like in The Matrix.]

The 248 page patent for the Moderna technology that was administered to people in the COVID shots was filed in 2020. The patent lists several embodiments, or variations, of this technology. And while we don’t know who got what embodiment, we know that several different batch numbers were deployed. And some were far more deadly than others.

Continued at link.



It is also because of the pharmaceutical medicines that are in us, the vaccines, the conaminants, because what we've discovered and dr Ruby, this is probablly the most imporart aspect that I want people to understand; dating back to the late, the early 80s on patents that we've disected, or you know researched, these ingredients, I mean, you know, hundreds of ingredients have IP addresses to department of energy's super computer, IBM super computer as well as Microsoft.

Going back how far, Lisa?

To the early 80s.

This incredible claim is, as most people who know, let's say 15% more about computers and IP addresses than the masses; absolute rubbish and garbage.

The Greg Reese report begins with a patent related to the subject. Further evidence is provided by La Quinta Columna. Do you disagree with both the Reese Report and the microscopic evidence provided by LQC?

This patent?

Related to the subject? How related? Does this somehow prove that since the early 80s medicines/vaccines have had their own IPs [at] the DOD, IBM, Microsoft?

I don't even think La Quinta Columna has said something this stupid.

I believe that these women are probably grifters, like so many i these scenes, doing their grift so get followers and sell something.

Instead of any kind of red-herring like things here are some quite practical questions I'd like to have answers to:-

  • Where can I find credible material about this?
  • What specifically are these IP addresses?
  • How many are there?
  • Why have I not heard of them even though I've been on the internet since the early 80s?
  • Has anyone witnessed these IPs and traffic? It's not a hard thing to monitor IP traffic and it most certainly isn't encrypted, atleast not in the 80s.
  • How are these IP addresses used?
  • What operating system is used or what kind of a TCP/IP stack is used to achieve this?
  • How do these "ingredients" connect to the internet?
  • How did they do it in the in the early 80s?
  • How much bandwidth are we talking? Can you DDOS an IP like this? What happens then?
  • Lisa McGee says that turning off our Wi-Fi at night helps limit the problem? So does the stuff in our body use our wifi-routers to connect to the internet? How does it know the wi-fi password? Why hasn't anyone reported these strange devices on their wi-fi devices? There are good opensource firmwares for Wi-fi devices like Tomato which allows more advanced monitoring of the traffic.

I'm willing to have a conversation with you, but you did not answer the above question. Yes or no.

I just watched the whole video. It's a farce. Even Dr. Jane Ruby is having a hard time playing along and pretending to be interested and following the discussion and not being too bored...

I disagree.

And see Nano-Technology in Covid Injections – It’s for Communications, It’s Technological Parasitism - #26 by cybe2

But I understand your point of view. It's DOCTOR Jane Ruby and VaxxChoise Chief Analyst Lisa McGee, two prominent God fearing Truth tellers and researchers and I'm just cybe2, a foulmouthed skeptic and probably vaccinated sheeple etc etc, right?

Sorry you feel that way.

How do you feel, please? Are those women trustworthy experts and their claims credible?

You "disagree", but because you answered with neither a "yes" or a "no", I am in the awkward position of figuring out:

I'm inclined to believe that you do not agree with both the Reese Report and the microscopic evidence provided by LQC. Is that correct, please?

How about we disect just the Lisa McGee video to start with?

10:34 Then Peter opened [his] mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons King of kings' Bible - Acts

I do not recall hearing about Lisa McGee before and as far as Dr. Ruby, I do not follow her work. It was from Dr. Ruby that I first heard about the "apeel" label and believe she was one of the first doctors who shared the information about the white blood clots on the Stew Peters Show which incidently brought the both of them to fame to some degree (perhaps to a large degree in the alt-media community). The video that was posted is because of the content related to the prior Greg Reese report mentioned and to the work provided by LQC. It was not posted for another reason.

Is it possible to dissect subject matter without dissecting them and first ripping people to shreds?

Ok, understood.

Ok, sure. So, shall we start with the claim of IP addresses in medicines, vaccines and what else did she claimed they were in?

Does anyone on this forum have enough knowlege in Internet / TCP/IP etc to discuss my questions, please?

Has not this been discussed already? Having "enough" knowledge? "Enough" knowledge to make some headway in this discussion (or disagreement) would require a whistleblower that comes forth and tells the world the level of technology that has been put into working practice.

Here is a video by a man who disputes the Greg Reese report. He curses a lot unfortunately like many others on the internet these days (sadly), but if you can get past that, he supports your side but without the tech knowledge. The point that I am in agreement with is that there is not a "working model" that has made the jump between what is microscopically being found in the vaccines by LQC or in the blood by Dr. Anna Mihalcea to definitively say that the Greg Reese report is totally true. The only working model is the IP addresses being found on phones and that is disputed as well.

He is rude to call Greg Reese "Jew Greese", but rude runs rampant as well as emotions do these days.

Sure, some details of this subject have been discussed. Why? Do you think it's already been discussed enough?

If this woman (and others) claim that these "ingredients" have IP addresses in them then we don't need a whistleblower to look into it because this technology, IP addresses is not something secret but open, well documented and easily verifiable.

I agree with him (not with his demeanor, though). He has the same "keep it simple" questions. What are the IP addresses, for instance. I don't think Lisa McGee could tell us her computers IP address even.

Do you mean the Bluetooth MAC addresses? Yes, quite disputed as well. Mobile phones/bluetooth/internet technology works using a specific set of rules that are well-defined and looked at, experimented, monitored by a large amount of people and covid-vaccination bluetooth tech connecting to the internet via mobile phones or 5G is just not something that would work just like that, even though, to a layman it sounds possible, especially when one can read about patents and future plans about things such as these...

The same guy, Jeff does agree these bluetooth mac addresses exist though and they don't belong to devices : 1 Hour BLE Scan (condensed) - It's Getting Worse - Featuring Amazon Fire Tablet

I believe he is right about some things and wrong about others. I would say his eccentric behavior does show some worrying tell-tale signs...