If God was one of us by Joan Amstraderm


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Satan sings-father of all lies


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Oluyimba lukussuuta/The song glorifies you.

I thank YOU for the routes You closed

Thank You for the prayers You didn’t answer and what I asked and You didn’t give me.

You have showed me that You are God.

I thank You for the pain You make me go through, thank You because it didn’t finish me.

And those who left me and went I know You have a reason, the song glorfies You deserve the honour.

Sometimes in my own wisdom I think maybe You don’t work because the pain inside my heart sometimes gets beyond, I break and slide when You get lost sometimes.

Even if You take all that I have, it is You who gave to me, I only pray for one thing, grant/give me eternal life.

Deep inside my heart I know You see everything that the song glorifies You.

Only what makes You happy should be done in my life, only what You like, I’m here, decide the way You see because You know why I was created and when I shall die.

Only You know the right routes I should pass when I’m together with You.

Sometimes in my mind I think You don’t work because it’s beyond me sometimes because of too much pain in my heart. It is beyond me sometimes my Friend.

I break and slide sometimes when You get lost.

But let me be patient and wait for You. Let me wait there.

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A 10 year-old autistic and blind boy singing. His voice shocked everyone.
He proves that someone who looks different doesn't mean he has anything less.
This boy is a gift for all of us. Keep singing, Christopher.
Let's share Chris' angelic voice.



I enjoyed it, thank you for sharing :blush:

Father knows I love listening to music so some times He communicates to me through music.

I have woken up several times at around 3am either singing or with a song title in my mind.

One day He gave me some song in a language I didn't even understand and I was shocked when I looked for it's English translation to know that it was talking exactly about what was talking please.

I don't just listen to any music. I mind what I listen to

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2Samuel 6:5 And David and all the House of Israel played before the "I AM" on all manner of [instruments made of] fir wood, even on harps, and on psalteries, and on timbrels, and on cornets, and on cymbals.
6:14 And David danced before the "I AM" with all [his] might; and David [was] girded with a linen ephod.
6:15 So David and all the House of Israel brought up the Ark of the "I AM" with shouting, and with the sound of the trumpet.

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I had the misfortune of listening to a song (and watching the performance) the other day and was taken aback by the skill of one of the musicians. Recognizing the temptation of idol worship which was certainly present as the musician's behaviour was inciting that, I thought that even with practice and experience, the level of skill demonstrated seemed outside the realm of mere talent of any musician, and though he was not doing anything more than exhibiting playing an instrument skillfully, (rather too skillfully it seemed) he may have been possessed. There are certain instruments like a harp or a flute and possibly the piano (though that one may be suspect at times too) that are benign to listen to. Coincidently, years ago, I accidentally bumped into this particular musician on a crowded street (he was dressed incognito wearing a hoodie), but because of the 'bump', we met face to face and rather uncomfortably close and he offered me a kind and apologetic look and then we both went on our separate ways. He appeared meek and even gentle-natured and rather nice; the complete opposite of any flamboyant performer. He has since died having been found in his home's elevator after an overdose on pain medication (as the report told at that time).
I am certain to be more cautious of any music. There is a quote from the Bible that some have interpreted as Lucifer having something to do with music in heaven before his transgression against God.

Ezekiel 28:13 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone [was] thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.

The point of this comment, is that better to be safe than sorry; albeit some music may be actually beneficial and okay to listen to.

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This is a traditional drum, what I have seen at a neighbour’s place.

The one we have been waiting for has arrived, friend whom God has brought, should he put here or there the blessings, ayaa ayaa ayaah, where shall we put the blessings.

Those waking up early in the morning, sweep where we shall place the blessings, those cleaning the garden/compound please start (I have just got this specific part right now that Father wants me to purify myself for the Holy spirit to dwell in, this particular part is not in the song. 11/05/2024 @ 2:45pm)

Happiness is killing me please catch me and sweep where we shall place/put the blessings. God has brought what He promised, sweep where we shall put the blessings. God has brought what He promised. Father God we are greatful.

Should He place the blessings inside the house or outside or this side.

Father thank You, Jesus thank You. You have been good, God You have been good

Is this an official list or did you make it up?

Agree about piano. Highly suspect, especially those deep menacing darker tones and shrill high ones.

What about the kazoo?


Lighten-up. How about a third option .... such as a personal opinion based on personal observation. One word can make a huge difference and in this case "are benign to listen to" is in hindsight ... "may be" benign. But, just my opinion (personal observation). :slightly_smiling_face:

I dont like these secular artists but sometimes we get messages from their songs which communicate our testimonies.


plays the bass guitar like a banjo

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