Monkeypox / Mpox

U.S. government places $119 million order for 13 million freeze-dried Monkeypox vaccines

By Chris Morris

May 19, 2022
Following confirmation that monkeypox has made its way to the U.S., the government ordered millions of doses of a vaccine that protects against the virus.

Bavarian Nordic, the biotech company that makes the vaccine, has announced a $119 million order placed by the U.S., with the option to buy $180 million more if it wants. Should that second option be exercised, it would work out to approximately 13 million doses.

The order will convert existing smallpox vaccines, which are also effective against monkeypox, into freeze-dried versions, which have a longer shelf life. The converted vaccines will be manufactured in 2023 and 2024, the company says.

Bavarian Nordic has worked with the U.S. government since 2003 to develop, manufacture and supply smallpox vaccines. To date, it says, it has supplied nearly 30 million doses to the Department of Health and Human Services.

The U.S. isn’t the only country stocking up on the vaccine. On Thursday, Bavarian Nordic said an unidentified European country had secured a contract to obtain the vaccine.

“While the full circumstances around the current monkeypox cases in Europe remain to be elucidated, the speed of which these have evolved, combined with the potential for infections beyond the initial case going undetected, calls for a rapid and coordinated approach by the health authorities, and we are pleased to assist in this emergency situation,” said Paul Chaplin, president and CEO of Bavarian Nordic in a statement.

Monkeypox was first discovered in 1958 and the first human case was reported in 1970. Symptoms include fever, headache, body aches, exhaustion and a rash that spreads across the body. It is fatal in up to 10% of infections.

The recent outbreak was first identified in Europe on May 7, in an individual who had traveled to Nigeria, where monkeypox is endemic. Since then, over 20 cases have spread through England, Portugal and Spain. Other potential cases are being monitored now.

The first U.S. case was announced Wednesday and six other people are now being monitored. CDC epidemiologist Andrea McCollum told Fortune late Wednesday that she isn't particularly concerned about outbreaks, but that potential additional U.S. cases are likely.

Life or Death: Pharmaceutical “Plandemic” Poisonous Vaccines, or the Healing of the Holy Spirit – Your choice

EXC: The Infamous Wuhan Lab Recently Assembled Monkeypox Strains Using Methods Flagged For Creating ‘Contagious Pathogens’.

The Wuhan Institute of Virology assembled a monkeypox virus genome, allowing the virus to be identified through PCR tests, using a method researchers flagged for potentially creating a “contagious pathogen,” The National Pulse can reveal.

The study was first published in February 2022, just months before the latest international outbreak of monkeypox cases which appear to have now reached the United States.

The paper, which was authored by nine Wuhan Institute of Virology researchers and published in the lab’s quarterly scientific journal Virologica Sinica, also follows the wide-scale use of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests to identify COVID-19-positive individuals.

Researchers appeared to identify a portion of the monkeypox virus genome, enabling PCR tests to identify the virus, in the paper: “Efficient Assembly of a Large Fragment of Monkeypox Virus Genome as a qPCR Template Using Dual-Selection Based Transformation-Associated Recombination.”

Monkey pox viruses – referred to as “MPXVs” in the paper – have strains that are “more pathogenic and [have] been reported to infect humans in various parts of the world.”

“Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) is the gold standard for the detection of orthopoxvirus (including MPXV). For pan-orthopoxviruses detection, the E9L (DNA polymerase) gene has been shown to be an excellent target for qPCR assays. For MPXV detection, Li et al. reported that the C3L (complement-binding protein) gene could be used as the qPCR target for the MPXV Congo Basin strain,” explained the paper before noting that China lacked sufficient genetic information on the virus for PCR detection:

“The primary purpose of assembling a fragment of the MPXV genome is to provide a nucleotide template for MPXV detection,” reiterated the study, which relied on the process of transformation-associated recombination (TAR) to isolate a genomic fragment of the monkeypox virus.

“As an efficient tool for assembling large DNA fragments up to 592 kb in length, TAR assembly has become essential for preparing infectious clones of large DNA/RNA viruses,” explained researchers.

The paper acknowledged that TAR “applied in virological research could also raise potential security concerns, especially when the assembled product contains a full set of genetic material that can be recovered into a contagious pathogen.”

“In this study, although a full-length viral genome would be the ideal reference template for detecting MPXV by qPCR, we only sought to assemble a 55-kb viral fragment, less than one-third of the MPXV genome. This assembly product is fail-safe by virtually eliminating any risk of recovering into an infectious virus while providing multiple qPCR targets for detecting MPXV or other Orthopoxviruses,” posited researchers.

The unearthed study follows the Wuhan Institue of Virology conducting similar research into strains of bat coronaviruses that could infect humans while admitting its facilities lacked proper laboratory safety protocols.

It Begins: Belgium Orders 21 Days Quarantine for Monkeypox Cases

Belgium has ordered a compulsory 21-day quarantine for those infected with Monkeypox, becoming the first nation to order isolation over the outbreak of the traditionally Africa-based disease that has sprung up in in small numbers of cases in Europe, North America and Australia in recent weeks that has been tied to a gay fetish festival in Belgium held May 4-9 in Antwerp. Belgium has reported four cases as of Sunday.

As of this writing, there are reportedly three cases of monkeypox in Flanders. Two clinically determined cases, as well as a high-risk contact with symptoms, according to our colleagues at the HLN.

For people infected with the virus, they will have to isolate themselves for 21 days. Monkeypox having a fairly long incubation period. On the other hand, high-risk contacts are not required to self-isolate. They still need to monitor their condition, looking for particular symptoms.

As a reminder, these are rashes on the face or other parts of the body, as well as flu-like symptoms. Namely, cough, fever, headache, body aches or swollen lymph nodes.

Several other cases have also been detected in recent days in Europe; in Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Italy, Sweden. They have even been identified in the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States.

It seems stable that the virus has a propensity to spread through sexual relations. “We are observing transmissions among men who have sex with men”, which is “new information that we must study properly to better understand the dynamics” of transmission, alerted the WHO. The Risk Assessment Group therefore considered it useful to launch an awareness campaign aimed at men who have sex with other men, as well as people who have sex with several partners. It is not a question of stigmatizing any community whatsoever, but on the eve of Belgian Pride (formerly Gay Pride), the RAG deemed it relevant to convey this message.

People who have had several sexual contacts are particularly advised to be vigilant. If they have a suspicious rash, they should go to an emergency department, informed about the procedure.

The risk for the general population is low, reassures Vandenbroucke

Belgian medical microbiologist Emmanuel AndrĂ© posted photos of Monkeypox lesions to educate the public on signs of infection via translation), “In recent days, numerous cases of infections linked to a virus (“monkey pox”) have been reported across Europe. If you have such lesions, go see your doctor quickly and avoid close contact so as not to contaminate your loved ones
.These lesions can take different forms over time.”

Organizers of the gay fetish Darklands Festival posted a warning about the spread of Monkeypox at the festival at the behest of the Belgian government:

This is an important message to all visitors of Darklands 2022 regarding confirmed cases of the Monkeypox virus.

The health department of the Belgian government has confirmed 3 cases of the Monkeypox virus linked to visitors at Darklands. There’s reason to assume that the virus has been brought in by visitors from abroad to the festival after recent cases in other countries. The Risk Assessment Group of the federal government has asked Darklands to inform it’s guest about these infections and share the following information:

– Monkeypox has an incubation period of 5 to 21 days. Be vigilant during the three weeks after your last close contact.

– If you notice unusual blisters or injuries, please go to the ER unit of a nearby hospital en mention you suspect Monkeypox.

– If the suspicion is confirmed, those persons will need to quarantine for 3 weeks without having sexual contacts.

Monkeypox lesions look a lot like shingles. Shingles is limited to a section of the body.

So many (the majority?) children have had chicken pox, but so few have questioned how did chicken pox become a childhood disease in the first place. Where did it originate from? The monkey pox lesions also look similar to syphilis lesions (sexually-transmitted); also, herpes. These type of toxins lie dormant in the body and become reactivated for various reasons.

What causes shingles?

Shingles are caused when the varicella-zoster virus (VZV) reactivates, the same virus that causes chickenpox (varicella).

After the episode of chickenpox has resolved, the virus remains in a dormant state in the nervous system in certain nerve cells of the body located in the spine. While in this inactive state, you will not experience any symptoms of the varicella-zoster virus. However, in certain individuals and for reasons that are not completely clear, the varicella-zoster virus may re-emerge years later and travel along nerve fibers to cause shingles. The location and pattern of the ensuing rash reflect the region of the affected nerves.

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Howdy, here is some info on the shingles vaccine and chicken pox in regards to Gibraltar, yet this is a world wide issue with the toxic vaccines.
There are similarities, in regards to monkey pox, and it is a fact that the drug pushers have been using monkey cell lines for many years in their witches brews.


HM Government of Gibraltar poudly announced the new Shingles vaccine in 2015.

They claimed “Shingles is not caught from new and cannot be caught from someone who has chicken pox or shingles. However, the virus in the shingles blisters can infect a person who has not had chicken pox and that person may develop chicken pox.” They even went on to state that the vaccine is 65% effective and “very safe” according to UK and European safety standards. If one were to ask Dr Kalokerinos his thoughts on that, this might be his reply


Shingles is a painful skin rash caused by the chicken pox virus. After you have recovered from the chicken pox virus, the virus lays dormant in the nerve cells and can reactivate at a later time. More specifically with the elderly and when the immune system is compromised and weakened.

On the Healthy Gibraltar pamphlet, they proclaim that the Shingles vaccine reduces the risk of getting Shingles.

Yet, Dr. Brownstein found, that after studying the Cochrane Review, in a section titled Practice Pointers: After 31/2 years, with over 50,000 participants, there was only a 50% decrease in getting the Shingles virus after being vaccinated. This meant, that in the 60-69 yr. old category you had to treat 50 people just to prevent one case of Shingles, and moreover in the 70-year-old category, which is what Gibraltar recommends, you had to JAB 100 people to prevent 1 case of Shingles. Thus, for the 70 + category the vaccine was 99% ineffective. Another study from the UCLA Researchers found that only 1 in 175 vaccinated with Zostavax would avoid a Shingles flare up.

Should You Get a Shingles Vaccine? - LewRockwell

How would your mom or dad like to be inclusive in that category, considering all the ill effects that come with the vaccine. Besides the fact that Zostavax is a live virus that is shed trough their saliva to others, for up to one month post vaccination. Dr. Roy Fried, in the New England Journal of Medicine commented that for those over 60 years of age there was a 36% increase in adverse events within the first 42 days and for those over 80 there was no ability to thwart the infection, and the adverse events for this group doubled.

Vaxxter – 14 Mar 17

The Full Story on Zostavax, the Shingles Vaccine

We now have a vaccine created to address a problem caused by vaccines. When will this insanity end?


Virus present up to one month after Zostavax immunization

Some patients inoculated with Zostavax, Merck's shingles vaccine, shed the virus used for the vaccine through their saliva for one month after immunization, according to a researcher from the

It’s known that Shingles is suppressed naturally by repeated exposure to the natural chicken pox, and this provides protection as well as boosting the immune system to do what it was made to do, fight disease “au natural”. When one's body is expelling something toxic, it is doing its job and it will run its course as it should. With enough faith you can heal from any disease. https//

Widespread vaccination leads to loss of immunity, and an increase in the elderly contracting the Shingles virus. A review publishes in Plos shows that the vaccination has increased the herpes zoster, (Shingles) incidences, for over more than 30 years. The CDC states "Chickenpox vaccines contain weakened live VZV, which may cause latent (dormant) infection." (Shingles).

A Pox on the CDC’s Vaccination Agenda: The Rise of Herpes Zoster (Shingles)

A new study indicates that chickenpox vaccines are contributing to the worsening of herpes zoster (shingles) infections, bringing back to the forefront the question: do these vaccines cause more harm than good?

Herpes Zoster Risk Reduction through Exposure to Chickenpox Patients: A...

Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) causes chickenpox and may subsequently reactivate to cause herpes zoster later in life. The exogenous boosting hypothesis states that re-exposure to circulating VZV can inhibit VZV reactivation and consequently also...

The CDC is complicit in the covering up of and manipulating Shingles data with chicken pox vaccines to conceal unwanted outcomes in order that chicken pox vaccines would require a lifetime of expensive vaccine boosters. This according to whistle blower Dr. Gary Goldberg, who in March 2018 published an article: The US Universal Varicella Vaccination Program: CDC Censorship of Adverse Public Health Consequences


Among Dr. Goldberg's findings were:

Using a Shingles vaccine to control Shingles epidemics in adults would likely fail, because the adult programs have rarely proved successful

CDC masked the decline of the vaccine efficacy over time

Skewing the numbers to obscure the natural immunity gained by re exposure of the wild virus that prevents Shingles.

They demanded Dr. Goldman cease and desist from publishing any information he gathered whilst working as a Research Analyst for the Varicella Active Surveillance Project

Misleading the public that the vaccine would be a lifelong immunity and there would be no immunological link with Shingles

Many financial as well as personal conflicts of interest, pointing out that the head of the CDC was now in charge of the vaccines at Merck, the manufacturer of Zostavax

Vaccine Impact - – 22 Aug 18

Whistleblower Accuses CDC of Manipulating Shingles Data with Chickenpox...

The controversy over varicella vaccine safety and mandates has raged since its introduction in the U.S. nearly 25 years ago. When it was licensed in 1995, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) questioned the strength of the scientific...

The Ingredients inside the Zostavax vaccine are alarming:

VIRAL PARTICLES: At least 19,400 PFU (Plaque forming units 14 times more viral than the chicken pox vaccines.



PIG: porcine gelatin 15.58 mg known to cause anaphylaxis and food allergies.

COW: bovine serum known to cause anaphylaxis and food allergies.


CHEMICAL: Sodium Chloride, table salt, 4.o mg.


CHEMICAL: Sodium Phosphate dibasic 0.57 mg

CHEMICAL: Potassium Phosphate monobasic 0.10 mg

CHEMICAL: Potassium Chloride 0.10 mg


Merck, sales have declined (plummeted) for the Zostavax vaccine by 68% from 2017-18 down to $217 million
 Yet they are offering this to unsuspecting Gibraltans

Perhaps the onslaught of lawsuits Merck is facing due to the adverse effects caused by Zostavax has something to do with this.

They are being sued for selling Zostavax, as an unreasonably dangerous vaccine, fraud, concealing known side effects, causing severe injuries, and instead of doing what is purported to do, “prevent Shingles”, causing the virus to flare up and, leaving those with permanent disabilities. “Merck knew, or should have known, its product caused viral infection, and was therefore NOT SAFE to administer to consumers.” Zostavax Shingles Vaccine Side Effects - Class Action


Merck & Co., alleging Zostavax is an “unreasonably dangerous vaccine” that caused injuries.

Zostavax Shingles Vaccine Side Effects - Class Action

Lawsuits allege that Merck's Zostavax shingles vaccine may cause serious side effects like shingles, eye disorders, paralysis, and even death.

USClaims Financial Support | A Pre-Settlement Funding Firm

Merck to Face Growing Number of Zostavax Lawsuit Claims - USClaims

Involved in a lawsuit against Merck shingles vaccine? USClaims can help cover your medical bills and expenses while your Zostavax claim settles in court.

Zostavax is linked to a number of side effects, adverse effects, and illnesses including:

Shingles, brain injury, paralysis, meningitis, chicken pox, rash, hives, joint pain, headache, nausea, fever, muscle pain, eye disorders including blindness, Guillain's Barr Syndrome, stroke, cardiac events, respiratory disorders, congestive heart failure, pneumonia, Bell's Palsy, gastrointestinal disorders, hearing loss, flu, death.


Now it seems Merck, the manufacturer of Zostavax is moving on to the RED BRIC ROAD as their relationship with China grows and the expansion of the Bric profit margins grows, where does that leave nations who have been under the spell of these drug pushing institutions for the last hundred years. Look no further than the lockdown at your doorstep, or the communist imposed restrictions infecting once free nations. Un yoke yourselves from the burdens that bind you and step into the light, true freedom right at your doorstep.

Merck seems to have made a cozy relationship with China as they are expanding their Asia Pacific vaccination program. The sales are plummeting in the US and UK yet growing substantially in the China, Asia Pacific market.

Moving forward, there will also likely be more emphasis on assistance provided by middle-income countries such as Brazil, China, and Russia. Already some estimates and development institutions have suggested that China may be providing a meaningful amount of development assistance for health. These new sources of funds, along with major private donors such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and public-private partnerships such as the Global Fund and Gavi, will supplement resources provided by the traditional sources of development assistance for health.

The US Provided $13 Billion In Development Assistance For Health In...

Despite dramatic growth between 1990 and 2010, development assistance for health from high-income countries and development agencies to low- and middle-income countries has stagnated, and proposed cuts make future funding uncertain. To further...

These people pushing their NWO have their global health initiatives all plotted out, and planned for many years. The Corporations “Big Pharma" are in bed with the Fascist/ Communist dictators, and the money will keep pouring in for them, and it will be at your expense and on your dollar. WHY is World Bank going into countries with the WHO and UNICEF et al., and telling them that they “MUST” borrow billions of dollars to buy vaccines they don’t need.

Bill and Melinda Gates are bribing countries to force vaccinate. All this money is bonded on your back as you are a slave to them.

These aren't just random incidences, as this is common place with these psychopaths.

Vaccines are the profits and money makers, and the margins are huge. Its vaccine capitalism and gangsterism all wrapped up in one and they must be stopped.

These vaccines don’t help you or keep you safe or prevent you from getting sick, they do just the opposite, keep you sick and unhealthy so that these pharmaceutical companies will have life time customers.



Yes. They are the source of disease (amongst other reasons like environmental factors, etc.)

The Way to Good Health - Healing in His Wings

God has told you in The Covenant , written in His TORAH / Pentateuch (The First 5 Books of His Bible i.e. The Books of Moses - Genesis; Exodus; Leviticus; Numbers and Deuteronomy), that when you keep His Ways and Laws etc., all of them . He will take away all sickness from amongst you, including infertility (Exodus 23 v 25-26).

He has also told you that if you do not keep His Ways He will bring more and more sickness upon you and you will not be healed, unless you return to Him and keep your word in truth and Live by His Ways and Rules (2 Chronicles 6 v 28-31; Isaiah 1 v 6)(Sura 26:80).

He also said He would make your live-stock sick:- mad-cow disease; scrapies; foot and mouth disease; anthrax etc. (Exodus 23 v 26 & Deuteronomy 7 v 13-14; 28 v 18).

Of course Satan's scientists then come along and demand incredible wages to cure these diseases and fill you; the earth and water (fertilizers) and your animals full of chemicals (and drugs) which make things worse, creating even more and stronger diseases for you to pay them even more money to cure. Job security for them and more and stronger sicknesses for you. All because you do not listen to God and take His Advice.

Then, once you can't afford the treatment, the politicians invent a national health system to make you even more sick and empty your pockets, to fill theirs and those of their friends.

Eventually, you all end up sick and poor with no-one well enough to work to earn the money to pay for the system, and the country goes broke.

So what IS the remedy?

The Word made flesh (John 1 v 14) has told you "Keep The COMMANDments" - all 12 of them (Matt. 19 v 17; John 14 v 15) and do God's Will.

What is His Will? That you keep the Old and New Covenants which are collectively called the "New Song" (Rev./Apoc. 5:9; 14:3 and 15:3) and include His COMMANDments; Laws; Statutes; Judgements; Economic Policy; Agricultural Policy and Diet (Deuteronomy 15 v 4 see margin note || ) "to the end that there be no POOR and no SICK (Exodus 23 v 25) amongst you" (Matt. 4 v 23).


The k in Monkeypox is silent


LOL so true.

Where has monkeypox been detected?


(Monkey pox has a strange predilection for countries inhabited by white people.)



ECDC Bombshell: ‘Monkeypox Outbreak Appears To Have Leaked From Ukraine Lab’

The current monkeypox outbreak originated from a bioweapons lab in Ukraine, a source at the European Centers For Disease Control reportedly has revealed.

Independent investigator Dr. Benjamin Braddock claims that an unnamed source at the ECDC told him that preliminary analysis of the monkeypox strain currently doing the rounds found the virus came from a lab and may be related to the U.S’s biological research in Ukraine.

“ECDC source tells me that the preliminary analysis of monkeypox indicates that it is ‘a third lab strain with unknown characteristics’ and that there is chatter about this being somehow related to Moscow’s charges against U.S. biological activities in Ukraine,” Braddock tweeted on Saturday.


Wuhan Institute Created a PCR Test for Monkeypox in February: Chinese Scientific Journal

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At the 11:00 - 12:45 mark, Amazing Polly talks about big tech and big data working with bio-research and genetics to create tailored illnesses for specific populations of people; racially specific targets.

Are T.H.E.Y. trying to create the hysteria of the AIDS epidemic when people were afraid to touch, casually kissing, hugging; believing at that time that such actions could lead to death?

Create the fear ..... then their solution:

“This is not COVID ,” Heymann told AP. “We need to slow it down, but it does not spread in the air and we have vaccines to protect against it. ”

Monkeypox Outbreak Primarily Spreading Via Sexual Contact: WHO Officials

The recent outbreak of the monkeypox virus in North America and Europe is primarily spreading through sex, according to World Health Organization (WHO) officials on Monday, while confirming about 200 cases so far.

The virus itself is not a sexually transmitted infection, but WHO officials said the recent surge in cases is linked to homosexual men. However, they said that anyone can contract monkeypox, which is generally confined to Central and West Africa.

“We’ve seen a few cases in Europe over the last five years, just in travelers, but this is the first time we’re seeing cases across many countries at the same time in people who have not traveled to the endemic regions in Africa,” Dr. Rosamund Lewis, who runs WHO’s smallpox research, said in a streaming event on social media. Continued ...

Monkeypox Has Arrived Just in Time to Rescue Two American Smallpox Vaccine Companies


Two corrupt companies were in rocky financial territory just a few weeks ago. Now, with concerns over a global monkeypox outbreak being hyped by media and global health organisations alike, the worries – and sins – of these two companies are quickly being forgotten.

In recent days, concern over a global outbreak of monkeypox, a mild disease related to smallpox and chickenpox, has been hyped in the media and health ministries around the world, even prompting an emergency meeting at the World Health Organisation (“WHO”). For some, fears have centred around monkeypox being the potential

“next pandemic” after Covid. For others, the fear is that monkeypox will be used as the latest excuse to further advance draconian biosecurity policies and global power grabs.

Regardless of how the monkeypox situation plays out, two companies are already cashing in. As concern over monkeypox has risen, so too have the shares of Emergent Biosolutions and SIGA Technologies. Both companies essentially have monopolies in the US market, and other markets as well, on smallpox vaccines and treatments. Their main smallpox-focused products are, conveniently, also used to protect against or treat monkeypox as well. As a result, the shares of Emergent Biosolutions climbed 12% on Thursday, while those of SIGA soared 17.1%.

For these companies, the monkeypox fears are a godsend, specifically for SIGA, which produces a smallpox treatment, known by its brand name TPOXX. It is SIGA’s only product. While some outlets have noted that the rise in the valuation of SIGA Technologies has coincided with recent concerns about monkeypox, essentially no attention has been given to the fact that the company is apparently the only piece of a powerful billionaire’s empire that isn’t currently crumbling.

That billionaire, “corporate raider” Ron Perelman, has deep and controversial ties to the Clinton family and the Democratic party as well as troubling ties to Jeffery Epstein. Aside from his controlling stake in SIGA, Perelman has recently made headlines for rapidly liquidating many of his assets in a desperate bid for cash.

Similarly, Emergent Biosolutions have also been in hot water. The company, which has troubling ties to the 2001 Anthrax attacks, came under fire just under two weeks ago for engaging in a “cover-up” over quality control issues relating to their production of Covid vaccines. A Congressional investigation found that quality control concerns at an Emergent-run facility led to more than 400 million doses of Covid vaccines being discarded. The Emergent factory in question had been shut down by the FDA in April 2021. They were allowed to reopen last August before the government terminated the contract. Given that the majority of the company’s business is tied to US government contracts, the loss of this contract, and the accompanying poor publicity, the news that its smallpox vaccine may soon be of international interest is likely seen as a godsend by the company.

Notably, this is the second time in a year that both companies have benefitted from pandemic or bioterror fears propagated by the media. Last November, speculation rose that a re-emergence of the eradicated virus that causes smallpox would soon take place. This first began with Bill Gates’ comments on the prospects of smallpox bioterrorism during a 4 November 2021 interview and was followed by the 16 November announcement of a CDC/FBI investigation into 15 suspicious vials labelled “smallpox” at a Merck facility in Philadelphia. Now, roughly six months later, the same fears are again paying off for the same two companies.

It seems the fear being generated around monkeypox is not only boosting shares for these two rotten companies, but it’s also helping the public forget their past sins.

Bill Gates Tells WHO to Do ‘Germ Games’ to Prevent Another Pandemic, Smallpox Outbreak

Aubrey Clarke Nov 04, 2021 Bill Gates has warned that another bioterrorist strike is imminent and has urged international authorities, including the World Health Organization, to prepare by playing "germ games."

Whyalla News said Gates issued the warning on Wednesday at a Policy Exchange discussion with Jeremy Hunt, the UK Health Select Committee leader.

According to Microsoft's founder, governments must invest billions in research and development to prepare for future pandemics and smallpox terror strikes.

UK Hosts First Global Investment Summit

(Photo : Leon Neal - WPA Pool /Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - OCTOBER 19: Bill Gates speaks during the Global Investment Summit at the Science Museum on October 19, 2021 in London, England. The summit brought together British politicians, royalty, CEOs of the world's biggest banks and other business leaders with the aim of highlighting how the UK is "using investment to cement itself as a science and tech superpower, and a pioneer of green technology ahead of COP26," according to the country's international trade secretary

Microsoft's Bill Gates Tells WHO to Run 'Germ Games'

The National News said the former Microsoft executive suggested that the new WHO task group, which received funds worth $1 billion, should begin playing "germ games" to prepare for another pandemic.

The "germ games," as Bill Gates refers to them, are a series of drills that many countries worldwide do in the case of another pandemic catastrophe.

There are naturally occurring epidemics and bioterrorism-caused epidemics that might be far worse than everyone seen today, Gates continued.

The "germ-games," according to Gates, might entail practicing for bioterrorism assaults such as smallpox attacks on airports.

"You say, OK, what if a bioterrorist brought smallpox to 10 airports? You know, how would the world respond to that?" he said per ITV.

Bill Gates Suggests How to Avoid the Next Pandemic

According to reports, Gates emphasized the global impact of the new coronavirus, citing the "completely horrific" death toll as well as the tremendous economic harm.

ALSO READ: PPEs, Gloves, Masks Used for Protection Against COVID-19: How are They Contributing to the Current Garbage Crisis?

He went on to say that countries like the United States and the United Kingdom will have to invest "tens of billions" on R&D to prepare for the next pandemic.

However, he stated that while research is costly, it might lead to additional breakthroughs such as eradicating the flu and common cold.

He also stated that he would continue to speak on pandemic preparedness as part of his philanthropic activity.

Bill Gates and Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy theories frequently attack Gates. As Insider has reported, some individuals falsely accused him of being responsible for a massive power outage in Texas in February. Some fake conspiracy theories concerning COVID-19 vaccines claimed that they carried microchips that would allow Gates and Microsoft to follow people have also propagated on social media.

The New York Times, citing the intelligence firm Zignal Labs, said conspiracy theories involving Gates and COVID-19 surfaced over 1.2 million times on social media and television from February to April 2020.

In a 2015 presentation, "The next outbreak? We're not ready," Gates warned of the hazards of a highly contagious virus and a major pandemic, stressing the importance of being prepared. Since March 2020, Gates' TED address excerpts have circulated among conspiracy theorists who claim Gates personally plotted the virus's propagation.

Errol Webber, a cinematographer who campaigned for California's District 37 House seat in the 2020 election but lost, recently tweeted a video of Gates speaking at a separate TED event in 2015.


Webber's tweet had more than 1,500 likes and at least 800 retweets. Many individuals in the comments section agreed with him and spread Gates conspiracy notions. As of this writing, the post is still viewable.

Another Insider report said the event page included a list of publications from the Associated Press, Reuters, and that debunked the false assertions made about Gates.

Covid was a manmade bioweapon, it was intentionally released to make people sick and scare them toward deadly shots. But Covid has just about run its course, so it’s time for another virus to cause a global health panic. And just like HIV forty years ago, this virus is closely tied to the disgusting sex practices of homosexuals.

Across the west, we’re seeing outbreaks of “monkeypox.” This virus is normally linked to West Africa, but now it’s popping up all over after “superspreader events” in places like an “adult sauna” in Spain or a “fetish festival” in Belgium. The press is doing everything it can to avoid honestly saying what is going on: Gay men are having promiscuous, perverted sex with dozens of partners, and the result is that a deadly disease is spreading around the world, just like what happened with AIDS for decades ago.

But is that all there is? Is Monkeypox a completely natural disease, or is it like Covid-19, where anybody suggesting it wasn’t natural was censored, even when mountains of evidence suggested otherwise?

Edward Szall is here to present the evidence that Monkeypox is a bioweapon that came from a lab, maybe even the same Wuhan lab that Covid-19 may have leaked from. Oh, and there’s even a Bill Gates angle to the story too.


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