Mega-Drought & Mega Food Shortages

People should put their trust in God and The Lord instead of themselves or man...

2:23 The guards, being invisible, would also help to persuade the evil “fallen angels” to have respect, child-like faith and trust in the Lord’s protection, from the equally invisible Devil, whilst being, themselves, unable to attack what they could not see or touch. Then, when, because of lack of faith in God’s protection, He allows evil and mishaps to occur in their lives (Honi soit qui mal y pense), they will suddenly feel afraid, need and ask for His help, and receive it, bringing ever-increasing faith, trust and nearness to God, for those who had opened their spiritual-eyes, and were seeking to make sense of their lives.

2:24 For those who do not believe enough in, or seek God constantly, He sends calamities into their lives. How many people, who say they do not believe in God, when suddenly in fear for their lives, cry: “God please help me!!!”? If they talked to Him all the time, as they should, these calamities would not happen, because there would be no need for them, as God would not have to forcibly remind them to talk to Him.

2:25 Once the crisis is over, most people do not even have the common decency, and good manners, to thank Him, for having helped them solve their problem (by telepathically telling them what to do to solve the problem, or by sending them exactly the right type and amount, of physical help they need, at exactly the right time), and they go off, blindly ignoring Him again, until the next calamity.

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