Meet Dr. Stanley Plotkin – Vaccine Drug Kingpin

Offits heros Plotkin and Hilleman

Getting back to OFF it's heros', that will give you more of a glimpse into what he is truly like. Stanley Plotkin is one, the other, Maurice Ralph Hilleman.
Looking at Stanley Plotkin Paul thought to himself, this guy is dealing with an entire population, while I'm here just dealing with one patient at a time. In that moment I realized THE POWER OF VACCINES. Stanley, he's the atheist child abuser extraordinaire. Using orphans and the feeble minded to conduct his toxic studies, including using 76 aborted fetuses to make vaccines.

He hoped his book would become more popular than the Holy Bible. (He may have inhaled one to many porcine cells, in his line of work). :pig:Justifying his position on vaccines he proudly boasts he's happy to go to hell for doing so.

Plotkin Shares OFF it's ** point of view, “There shouldn’t be parental consent,” and the parents who oppose vaccines, [the anti-vaxers], are “Child abusers.
They have been tirelessly working toward this ideology for years, inching ever closer with each script to achieving this.
Like the Measles outbreaks one in Philly (how convenient for Paul, where parents in this Church do not vaccinate their children, and presto, they come down with the disease?), and the press coverage, what an accomplishment. And another at Disneyland which oddly enough Paul refers to as the "Garden if Eden", all while the salivating scribes have already written the "legalese" on how they would NOT need consent from parents to vaccinate. Must have bought Paul back to that book signing in Princeton many years earlier when asked, will there ever be a backlash against the parents who Opt out? Paul responded mischievously...We'll see... That's interesting... FF anyone??

Here's Off it :

"What's the best way to convince a parent to get a vaccine?"

"Have an outbreak."

"Fear sells."

Eliminating parental religious and philosophical rights would be a dream come true for them. There has been threats of jail for parents who refuse their religion, VACCINES, which the Supreme Court ruled in 2011 Are UNAVOIDABLY UNSAFE
Plotkin has ties to Sanofi Pasteur who RAND Corporation paid to show how to turn schools into vaccine clinics, parental consent laws are in the way, and for alternative vaccine option, modernization is required to make progress.

And then there is Maurice Ralph Hilleman, another hero and Merck scientist working at the West Point lab, creating vaccines to poison your children. He kept shrunken replicas of the heads of those he fired in his office. Maurice who famously stated "If it looks like I'm a bastard on the outside, then take a deep look inside, and you'll see I'm a bastard there too". He invented measles, mumps, rubella, hepA, hepB, chicken pox, pnuemococcus and MMR combo vaccinations. He proudly boasted of himself that he was a bastion of "Dirty Industry".
And when he says dirty he means dirty there is nothing clean about these vaccines.

Here Hilleman admits cancer and aids are in the Merck vaccines, yet they don't "blow the whistle", because its of the "scientific community".

On Hillemans death bed, OFF it
Asked if he thought WE can stop this (the decline in vaccinations and the backlash toward vaccines) ...Are people going to have to die asked OFF it? Maurice struggling to breathe said yes... Maurice was often right, thought Paul. Can anyone smell the BS coming out of Paul's ticking time bomb of a mind... Problem- Reaction-Solution... ** :thinking:**

So who is Paul OFF it, he in his own words states "I'm just a bullshitter"

Paul OFF it is just another part of the same...