Mark Steele Arrested in Newcastle

Arrest of truth seekers in Newcastle including Mark Steele

Three others also arrested including Sean Argyle and Wynne Cocallis.

Time to use [The Challenge Document] folks!


On another note:

Kate Shemirani is interviewed on Falcons Cafe (hr) on 27 Sept. She discusses the last protest and what happened during and after:

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Risk assessment. Bull****.

What a testimony! Thank-you to Kate β€œShem”.


Get behind this Councillor in WALES. Its time for the truth to come out about the 5G radiation and the VIRUS symptom link


Analysis of Mark Steeles video titled "Illegal Scanners Antennas for 5g found in street lights"

Who's the Jew?

What do you mean? This is the second time you've written that.

Mark Steele absolutely refuses to explain how he became a weapons expert + more discussion

Steele has long claimed that he was an employee (in some unstated capacity) of a British Ministry of Defence secret weapons facility. We can provide videos where he makes this specific claim.

Even if the precise nature of his work was secret, he would be able to reveal the dates and department he worked for. I'm sure you recall, that was exactly the question I posed to Steele at the beginning of this thread.

Steele claims that he's bound by an "Official Secrets Act" agreement, however the odd thing is that this doesn't seem to stop him revealing information he claims to have learned while on this (fictional) job - which if he had signed the OSA would be precisely the kind of information that he would be unable to reveal.

And then we have the historical record: At the trial in 1994 (for shooting teenage girl Nicola Lumsden), the court recorded that he was a manual labourer, fitter, and part-time club bouncer. If he had been an employee in good standing of a government agency that kind of information might have been recorded in his defence. There was no mention of any kind of government employment at that time.

After his prison sentence in 1999, is it plasuible that Steele, an ex-con without any technical qualifications and a conviction for violent crime woulkd be a tip-top candidate for a high-security role defending our nation's secrets?

Let's also consider Steele's recent behavior: Look at how he's reacted to the questions posed to him in this discussion. Did he attempt to resolve any of the questions that were put to him? Actually no - instead he deflected. Without evidence he accused people of being child abusers and other reprehensible crimes. Does that seem like the thoughtful and considered behavior of an actual expert?

What about the evidence of your own eyes? Does Mark Steele seem like any of the expert scientists and engineers you have ever met? He claims a background in electronics, but has he ever shown any electronics projects he personally worked on? Does he talk and behave like an engineer?