
God at Eventide

Love's Growth. - July 7

Learn from Nature the profusion of her gifts.

As you daily realize more and more the generosity of the Divine Giver, learn increasingly to give.

Love grows by giving.

You cannot give bountifully without being filled with a sense of giving yourself with the gift, and you cannot so give without Love passing from you to the one who receives.

You are conscious, not of yourself as generous, but of the Divine Giver as bounteous beyond all human words to express.

So Love flows into you, with an intensity that is both humbling and exalting, as Love flows from you with your gift.


God Calling-Give Every Moment. - August 3

My children, how dear to My Heart is the cry of Love that asks for all of Me, that wishes every action, thought, word and moment to be Mine.

How poor the understanding of the one who thinks that money to be used in this good work or that, is the great gift to offer. Above all I desire Love, true, warm, childlike Love, the trusting understanding Love, and then the gift I prize next is the gift of the moments, of all the moments.

I think even when Love's impetuous longing to serve Me has offered Me all Life, every day, every hour, I think even then, it is a long, and not an easy lesson, to learn, what it means to give Me the moments.

The little things you planned to do, given up gladly at My suggestion, the little services joyfully rendered. See Me in all and then it will be an easy task.

This is a priceless time of initiation, but remember that the path of initiation is not for all; but only for those who have felt the sorrow-cry of the world that needs a Saviour and the tender plea of a Saviour Who requires followers through whom He can accomplish His great work of Salvation, joyfully.


God at Eventide
Vision of Love. - August 4
Love is the flower.
Love is the seed from which that flower germinates.
Love is the soil in which it is nourished and grows.
Love is the sun that draws it to fulfillment.
Love is the fragrance that flower gives out.
Love is the vision that sees its beauty, and
God is Love, all-knowing, all-understanding, from whom all Good proceeds.