Local doctor says COVID-19 patients noticed results with glutathione

Thank-you. Is this not doctors still trying to play God though please?

While Glutathione ( GSH ) is a naturally-occurring antioxidant produced by plant and animal cells (particularly in the liver), as a medical treatment it would be "biosynthesized" in a lab, would it not?

Laboratory "biosynthesis" is actually the human manipulation of biological organisms using reagents or catalysts allegedly derived from natural substances to produce the desired reaction.

As is the case with synthetic vitamins, people can be duped into believing these things are "natural" because they call upon ingredients occurring in nature; however, unless something is of extra-terrestrial origin, ANY combination of ingredients can be referred to as "natural", particularly with the amount of legalese and medical jargon used these days to justify the administration of countless poisonous concoctions.

syn (sin) - thesis (hypothesis) - a sinful idea

The human body will almost invariably react to the introduction of a poison into it by elevating its production of antibodies and t-cells, as part of its natural immune defenses. This TEMPORARILY provides the ILLUSION that the poison is having a positive effect when, in fact, it is simply raising the level of toxicity within the body, that its natural defenses will eventually have to overcome and expel.

This is a very well-documented process and response. One such example of this is the use of AZT to treat "AIDS", allegedly caused by "HIV" which has never been proven to exist. "AIDS" patients would initially report dramatic improvements when given AZT, which were relatively short-lived. Within a few weeks -- after their body was poisoned by the AZT to the extent it had destroyed their natural immune response system -- the patients then experienced long-term deterioration in health, eventually ending in death. Of course the death was blamed on the non-existent virus, after "doing everything possible to save the patient" with AZT, which was the actual (and provable) cause of death.

It's noteworthy that there is no actual scientific proof of the existence of ANY virus using the standard protocol referred to in Koch's postulates. Of course that includes what is being referred to as "SARS-CoV-2" and/or "COVID-19", aka "coronavirus". So how could ANY synthesized (made in a lab chemical toxin) be considered a "cure" for a non-existent virus?

The same can be said for hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), which another heralded chemical toxin being promoted as a cure.

Synthesized chemical toxins will never be the answer to this fabricated plandemic. This is really an issue of nutrition and sanitation, both spiritually (the mind) and physically (the body).

Healing in His Wings