Lawyers worldwide submit new evidence to International Criminal Court alleging World Leaders & Scientific Advisors have used Covid-19 & the Injections to commit Genocide and Crimes against Humanity

Dr Richard Fleming reveals strategy to prosecute covid plandemic perpetrators for CRIMES against humanity

Mike Adams interviews Dr. Richard Fleming.

Fleming discusses the petition and the case brought to the International Crimes Court (ICC) by UK and European attorneys. They put the four cases together and filed the case. Fleming's book, "Is Covid19 a Bioweapon" was also submitted.

An international alliance of physicians and medical scientists has condemned the actions of all policymakers and politicians who imposed stay-at-home, social distancing, face masks and “vaccine” mandates, none of which are even scientifically valid let alone constitutionally justifiable.

The petition has about 45,000 signatures and we need to be way above that.

The goal is to put pressure on these judges.

Dr. Fleming's website.

Interview continued at link.

The global strategy for dealing with the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is nothing short of “crimes against humanity,” declares a “Physicians Declaration” signed by more than 3,000 doctors.

An international alliance of physicians and medical scientists has condemned the actions of all policymakers and politicians who imposed stay-at-home, social distancing, face masks and “vaccine” mandates, none of which are even scientifically valid let alone constitutionally justifiable.

The “one size fits all” approach to the Chinese Virus has resulted in countless illnesses and deaths, none of which would have occurred had the government just stayed out of it.

This Global Covid Summit, as they called it, took place from September 12-14. It offered medical professionals the opportunity to compare their research and assess the efficacy of various treatments for the Fauci Flu.

“The Physicians’ Declaration was first read at the Rome Covid Summit, catalyzing an explosion of active support from medical scientists and physicians around the globe,” reads a document from the conference.

“These professionals were not expecting career threats, character assassination, papers and research censored, social accounts blocked, search results manipulated, clinical trials and patient observations banned, and their professional history and accomplishments altered or omitted in academic and mainstream media.”

At the summit, it was none other than Dr. Robert Malone, the architect of the mRNA vaccine platform, who read the declaration to everyone in the room.

As we reported, Malone is opposed to Chinese Virus “vaccines,” and agrees with the sentiment that all the Chinese Virus restrictions and upheaval really are just crimes against humanity disguised as “public health.”

The Declaration is a battle cry from physicians who are daily fighting for the right to treat their patients, and the right of patients to receive those treatments – without fear of interference, retribution or censorship by government, pharmacies, pharmaceutical corporations, and Big Tech,” Dr. Malone stated.

“We demand that these groups step aside and honor the sanctity and integrity of the patient-physician relationship, the fundamental maxim ‘First Do No Harm,’ and the freedom of patients and physicians to make informed medical decisions. Lives depend on it.”

The Hippocratic Oath has taken a pretty heavy beating this past year and a half. Western medicine was already largely a joke even before the Fauci Flu, but whatever good still remained was decimated on the altar of Covidism, the new global religion.

Forcing people to cover their faces with Chinese plastic and get jabbed over and over again with DNA-modifying mystery chemicals is the opposite of “First Do No Harm,”** and yet it became the standard throughout the West.

The Nuremberg Code clearly prohibits the types of things the government is trying to impose in the name of fighting a “pandemic.” Voluntary consent of the human subject is “absolutely essential,” it turns out, and every individual should “be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion.”

“How was the Nuremberg Code so easily memory-holed,” asked one commenter at AmGreatness. “American soldiers HANGED Nazis over this exact principle. Key word: COERCION.”

“Every person who took the jab to retain their job should sue,” wrote another. “Everyone who lost their job should sue.”

Dr. Richard Fleming warns the "vaccine is the bioweapon" in bombshell interview with Mike Adams

Dr. Richard Fleming: COVID JAB Actually Created The Delta Variant

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