Is the government informing the public of risks associated with 5G roll out?


Legal case against UK Government for not warning about 5G health risks is awaiting judgement

The case was brought by Action Against 5G with the support of the public through Crowd Justice. Action Against 5G are individuals across the UK, including doctors, scientists and engineers who have joined forces to commence legal proceedings to challenge the UK government’s failure to take sufficient notice of clearly identified health and safety risks of wireless radiation and the increased exposure from the deployment of 5G.

The claimants’ claimed the position taken by the Government is not based upon the scientific report that the government itself has advanced as being the most up-to-date piece of international research. That is the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (“ICNIRP”) March 2020 guidelines.

Far from providing any proof of an absence of risk, the ICNIRP guidelines in fact evidence the existence of risks and notes that several are yet to be fully understood or proven by repetition of study or by anthropological study directly on people who are “guinea pigs” for ubiquitous RFR or 5G in the real world.

On 6 and 7 February 2023 the Administrative Court heard the judicial review of the Secretary of State’s alleged failure to address the evidence of risks to human health posed by 5G technology.

At the hearing the government argued that there is no duty to inform the public of any risks at all, because it essentially denies that there are any risks from the increased exposures or new form of radiation frequency to be used in 5G rollout. This is in keeping with its publications that have sought to reassure the public that there – categorically and conclusively – is no chance of harm arising from exposure to 5G and radiofrequency radiation (“RFR”).

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Beside the towers are large power cabinets with stickers on them, that read:


Signs warning people, to avoid overexposure to the invisible laser radiation beams?

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COVER-UP: Federal agency CANCELS cell phone radiation research after safety risks uncovered

In a shocking announcement, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) has announced that it will no longer investigate any evidence linking cellphone radiation to harm caused in animals or people.

Even though this very type of research is why the NTP exists, the agency has decided that, from here on out, it will never again even attempt to study whether or not cellphone radiation harms people and their pets.

"(There's) no scientific explanation or justification for this sudden reversal," said Devra Davis, a former senior adviser to the assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Continued at link.

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