Invasion of flying ants on the beaches of La Línea


The beaches of Santa Bárbara and Levante, in La Línea de la Concepción, have dawned this Wednesday full of flying ants, or aluas, insects that have arrived by the millions on the coast of La Linea.

The delegate of Beaches, Rafael León, has pointed out that, although their reproduction coincides with periods before and after the rainy season, "the strange thing about the case is that they appear on the beaches, distributed along the shore". As reported by the City Council, with the advance of the morning, there were some dead in the overflow, which have been removed by personnel of the delegation.

This invasion is not due to a pest but is part of the biological cycle of the species, whose reproduction usually occurs in the hot months. Ants develop wings when they are future queens or males who are going to copulate with the future queen.

Invasion of flying ants on the beaches of La Línea

While this is said to be a biological cycle, it did make me think of plagues from Biblical times; and The Signs of The End Times.