Importance of consistent and persistence prayer

No wonder the Lord sent me to tell him (John Mulinde) about the little book. The Lord is very spiritual, He sees all these things and what's happening.

Pray without ceasing.


You are genuinely a Blessed soul who has witnessed the Kingdom of God. Thank-you.

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My dear it has not come on a silver plate, a lot of tests and severe pain that they even decided to fire me from their beast system, Father shifted me today and what's amazing is that the spaceship and the star came, not making up stories but very real, the light first flashed as I was still thinking it flashed again then I looked up the ship was flashing and stood still at my destination together with the star, made me really happy, I forgot my sorrows, but I'm familiar with the because my call was from it even when I didn't understand back what it meant because I was young and I had not yet met TM. So today earlier on the day I prayed to Father to welcome them officially.

You are most welcome.

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Revelation 7:17 For the Lamb which is in the midst of the Throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto fountains of Living Waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. King of kings' Bible - Revelation

Revelation 26:1 And the Archangel Michael came forth and sat with the twelve. But they were troubled and some hid their face.
26:2 And he bade them uncover their face that they may have vision. But some of the twelve were blind and could not see the Light.
26:3 Then the Archangel Michael placed his hand upon their eyes and they were with sight (John 9:6). And they rejoiced, praising the name of the Father and making the sign.
26:4 And he took them to an high place and their ears were open to the voice and they knew their Father and were made newly born (John 3:3-10).
26:5 And there was a great voice from Heaven and they saw visions of that which was to be.
26:6 And they saw all the land and it was without boundary. And all the sea even to the furthest star.
26:7 And the sky was filled with a great Light and out of the Light came forth many Beings known and unknown. And they marvelled and asked, "What is this that fills our eyes?".
26:8 And the Archangel Michael said, "These are they who have walked with the Father and are ascended, even to the Throne".
26:9 "They are of the 144,000 children, the first born and are of every tongue and of every nation. For the risen Christ is in their heart, that the Word (Matt. 8:10-12) may be fulfilled".
26:10 "And they carry the sign of the Second Coming of the Lamb, which is the prophecy of the resurrection. And all will be gathered unto the Sacred City, being of One consciousness and of One [spiritual] family".
26:11 And you will know the Christ, which is descended and made One with all who are of the sign.
26:12 And they will make the sign to one another and they will know themselves pure in the Blood of the Lamb.
26:13 And they will rejoice, for the Christ is descended from the Higher Planes even to the darkest corner of the Earth. For none will know fear, for the Christ is within (Gal. 2:20).
26:14 And the Cherubim will stand guard no more. And the Gates of Paradise will be opened and all will dwell there in the purity of Love.
26:15 And the boundary of paradise will be the boundary of the City which is of gold. Thus will end the cycle at the very instant of the Second Coming of the Christ consciousness.
26:16 But who-so-ever strays from the Teachings of the Christ will know not Love, but be cast out and will burn (Gal. 1:6-9). And they will not receive the sign, but will lie with the beast that is in the land that is desert.
26:17 For those who would worship the beast and his image, and anyone who receives the mark of his name will be forever cast out, and their sign will be the sign of the beast and their resting place; eternal darkness. Out of the abyss of darkness will come the moaning of men who gnaw their tongues in agony. King of kings' Bible - Revelation

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Thank you so much for this please :pray::blush:

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