When you create a post on Defending-Gibraltar, it is given a number as part of its URL.
For example, the post - "Gibraltar Deaths After Covid Vaccine Push" URL is defending-gibraltar(dot)net/t/gibraltar-deaths-after-covid-vaccine-push/1165.
The URL elements:
site/ = defending-gibraltar
t/ = topic/title
title name/ = gibraltar-deaths-after-covid-vaccine-push
/1165 = the number of the post on DG, meaning this post was the 1,165th post created.
Thus, defending-gibraltar(dot)/t/gibraltar-deaths-after-covid-vaccine-push/1165, in the URL will take the viewer to the top post that it was created by the user, which represents the first activity.
But say you want to share a REPLY inside the post. Replies are also given specific URLs, with an additional activity number ending the URL.
For example, using the same post - "Gibraltar Deaths After Covid Vaccine Push", the sixth activity was the reply about Picardo and Huxley, making this reply's URL - defending-gibraltar(dot)net/t/gibraltar-deaths-after-covid-vaccine-push/1165/6
Notice the post number /1165 is now followed by /6
Thus, if you want to share this specific reply, you can by making sure its number is in the URL.
Also, DG recognizes where you are within a post, so as you scroll down the post, the reply activity also changes in the URL. Thus, if a specific reply is on your screen, the URL line will automatically reflect the ending number.
BUT this is precise, if you actually have two replies on your screen like shown in the above image, DG will always recognize the one on top, even if there is only one line visible. Thus, even though you want to share /6, just copying and pasting the URL may copy /5 instead. So, if you want to share /6, make sure it's at the top of your screen.
Also, because DG recognizes where you are within the post, just because you copy the URL - right then and there - will not mean you will be sharing the original post if that was your intention. The original post is the number 1165 in this case.
You can always check the URL to make sure it reflects exactly where you want people to land.