The Scriptures tell us that during the end-times, the Israelite nations of the world, i.e. the British people, who have grown into a "multitude in the midst of the earth" AND become "a multitude (Commonwealth) of nations", will be separated out from the rest of the world, which will then war against the Israelite nations, and defeat them in WW3, as punishment for our continued refusal to honour our Covenants with God to keep His Law.
*including America, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, Northern France, Celtic Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Scandinavia and the Baltic states and Gibraltar, i.e. the English-speaking nations of the world.
In 2016, the people of the United Kingdom voted to leave the EU, in what is commonly referred to as "Brexit". That same year, Donald J. Trump was elected as the 45th president of the United States, after campaigning to "Make America Great Again" by separating them from the crippling economic arrangements the US had previously made with the rest of the world.
As we approach the end of calendar year 2020, London and the southeast and east of England are in what the UK government calls "tier 4" lockdown restrictions, allegedly because "a mutation of the coronavirus was discovered spreading rapidly through the population" of those areas. This will reportedly last at least until March because the duration of these supposedly unpredictable "viral" mutations are apparently very predictable.
What is perhaps being overlooked is that all of this is happening as the new CV-1984 vaccine is being rolled out AND the "hard" Brexit date of 31 December 2020 is fast approaching. It also corresponds to the 70th anniversary of the taking of the Stone of Destiny (Jacob's Pillar Stone) from Westminster Abbey on 25 December 1950, by 4 Scottish nationalists, which began the 4th and final overturn of the Stone/British Throne to Christ.
Brexit is usually thought of and discussed in terms of its economic ramifications, without regard for its military implications, even though wars are almost invariably fought for control of economic resources, including the labour to exploit them.
It is NOT a coincidence that this newest phase of the CV-1984 scam has resulted in cutting off supplies coming to and exports leaving from the UK, to further isolate the UK from the rest of Europe, and to provide a convenient scapegoat for the planned economic fallout that Europe and its new allies intend to inflict upon the UK as punishment for Brexit. How could this possibly not further weaken the UK? How could this not potentially starve out millions in the UK if the food stocks and supplies they depend on from Europe are no longer delivered?
It is likewise NOT a coincidence that the US is in the midst of its own upheaval, in the wake of the most obvious case of electoral fraud in history, while at the same time rolling out their own "Operation Warp Speed" vaccination program and openly talking about the very real possibility of civil war. After a 4 year coup attempt against Trump, who has been demonized in the European press throughout his administration, how would Europe react should the fraudulent election results be reversed or the insurrection act be invoked before the 20 January 2021 inauguration? Would Europe not violently oppose such developments?
Would a Biden administration not immediately be expected to make the vaccination program mandatory, and pander to China, who has openly vowed to destroy the US and UK? And didn't the last democrat administration, under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, treasonously rubber-stamp the Uranium One deal with the Russians, and then try to divert attention away from their crimes with the "Russian collusion" hoax?
How could any of this not further weaken the US and UK (Dan 12:7) and the rest of the Commonwealth until they are eventually overcome (Rev. 11:7), exactly as prophesied? Are both countries not intentionally being undermined and subverted by spiritually wicked foreign operatives working in high places within the so-called intelligence apparatus, and in other key government positions, who commonly are collectively referred to as "the deep state"?
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly".
-- Marcus Tullius Cicero
If you're wondering why these things are happening, and are looking for answers from a bunch of lying politicians, their mainstream media government propaganda machine, their witch-doctors or the rest of their paid thugs, you are looking in the WRONG place.
The ONLY Solution to put a permanent end to this war OF terror is to remember our Creator and return to His Perfect Law of Liberty, found in the first five books of the Bible, the original of which is inside of the Ark of The Covenant, that is buried underneath the Mound of the Hostages, at the Hill of TARA (Torah), in Royal Co. Meath, IRELAND.
Stop being terrified; learn to become TARA -fied instead (Matt. 10:28).