How Banksters Rule The World – Talibanisation

The Talibanisation of Banking Would Spell the End of Political Freedom

In Canada, we saw banks instructed by the Trudeau administration to freeze the accounts of protesters against vax mandates. In the United States, we saw Paypal briefly introduce a policy authorising it to close the accounts of customers it found guilty of “misinformation.” Among the victims of their new policy was Toby Young, founder of the Free Speech Union, who saw three of his Paypal accounts abruptly suspended in 2022. A church minister recently reported on GB News that his bank account had been suspended for objecting to the transgender ideology being propagated by his bank.

These worrying precedents suggest that some providers of commercial services like credit cards and loans seem to think it is their job to make sure their customers have the “right” opinions on transgender ideology, the politics of vax mandates, and God knows what else.

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Yorkshire Building Society CLOSES Vicar's bank account after airing views on...

“I Can’t Feed My Three Young Children!” Bank Account Closure Victim Speaks Ou

“I Can’t Feed My Three Young Children!” Bank Account Closure Victim Speaks Out

Nigel Farage has accused a prestigious private bank of being “dishonest” amid a dispute over whether his bank account was closed because of his political views.

The former leader of the UK Independence Party said his account with high-net-worth bank Coutts had been closed and he was being refused accounts with other banks due to political reasons.

It followed a report in the BBC suggesting that the Brexit leader fell below the financial threshold needed to hold an account with Coutts.

Alexandra Tolstoy tells Julia that she has “absolutely no idea” why her bank account was closed by NatWest.

“I have told them that I have three young children. I can’t feed them if I don’t have a bank account!”