Green Light for Gibraltar Coaling Island Reclamation

Isn't this the same project the GSLP put on hold before the election – to help win the election (because Gibraltarians were tired of construction pollution and housing being built for internationals?)

Government will stop controversial development at Queensway Quay

13th September 2019 – The Gibraltar Government has backed a campaign to save the Queensway Quay marina and vowed to stop plans for a major development there should it be returned to government after the next general election.

In a statement the Chief Minister Fabian Picardo said: “There will be a general election before the end of the year. If I am returned to office as Chief Minister then this development will simply not happen.”

Government Press Release in April 2019 – Major In-Harbour Reclamation at Coaling Island: Victoria Keys Commercial Terms Agreed - 261/2019

Views from others -

Gibraltar pushes ahead with 300 million reclaimed development despite Spain’s objection


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