Gibraltar to be handed over to Spain!

We were right - David Cameron is up to his pro-EU tricks again - and was this part of the reason why Rishi Sunak hired him as foreign secretary!

Gibraltar to be handed over to Spain!


A comment below the video:
"As a Gibraltarian, I'm telling you that we've not been kept informed of these negotiations. They've all been done behind closed doors. Leaks say that the final sticking point is the details about sharing our airport with the Spanish. It is about having Spanish armed police in our airport and our port. Remember that our airport is an RAF base that leases landing slots to commercial aircraft, and the port is partly an RN Base, so Cameron is actually handing over use of two UK military bases to another country. This is despite the current Spanish rule that a UK Navy ship can't dock in Gib and then visit Spain straight afterwards - they have to visit a neutral base in between - and that includes UK ships visiting the US Naval Base in Rota, Spain. Leaks also tell us that Cameron is also proposing that Spain can raise sales taxes in Gib and that Gib can't sell things at lower prices than in Spain. This looks like a complete surrender, and completely against the wishes of the people here."