Gibraltar Deaths After Covid Vaccine Push

From David on Twitter

Here is the thread from Twitter:

Research shows there are issues involving COVID-19 deaths in Gibraltar … that now seem to have seriously accelerated ever since the introduction of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

The death rate was well down the Deaths Per Million League Table. Not due to isolation, since Spanish workers have continued to pour into Gib every morning, back out every evening.

Since the 9th January “Covid deaths” per million have rocketed to Third Place on the Worldometer site.

Tiny Gibraltar is like a petri dish; in no other place has there been such a brutally clear relationship between vaccine roll-out and increased “Covid deaths.” - RAF deliver COVID19 vaccine to Gibraltar

We warned about this. Receipt of influenza vaccination. Examining virus interference by specific respiratory viruses showed mixed results. Vaccine derived virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus and human metapneumovirus by 36%.

What actually happened was a massive campaign to vaccinate with the flu vaccine in September 2020. We raised concern about potential consequences in April / May, but this was ignored. - Gibraltar launches massive Flu Vaccine campaign to protect community - 661/2020

The neighbours don't like it, don't take it, Andalucia has a very poor flu vaccine participation rate, so much so the government tried to artificially inflate its success...a bit of propaganda, but liar liar pants on fire.

Knowing the neighbours is key -

This stunning graphic I took from official sources - because as explained the virus does not respect a fence, literally this is the neighbour, it is one epidemiological region – cases and admissions rise in perfect synchronicity, outcomes diverge, do you see it? Blatantly obvious.



Government confirms 6 further deaths related to COVID-19 - 75/2021

Informe COVID-19 en Andalucía

Government confirms two further deaths from COVID-19

With official sources you can fact check. The trend is your friend, when you deviate from natural trend in magnitude 15x, the divergence must have causative source. Although obvious this must be checked it demands urgent attention / serological forensic analysis future lives at stake.

Update to show the changes in one week.


Carry on reading to graphic, what we see is 2 very similar health regimes follow same high standards, one side of fence rejected the flu vaccine, the other totally pro-vaccine past 7days 30k people 30+ approx 15 times higher than the neighbours past 7days deaths in 300k=18.

If it hadn't been that one side of the fence is delayed in its vax delivery compared other, this could have gone unnoticed, maybe it would have come out eventually, but there is something gravely wrong that two plots follow same curves and the outcome of one diverges drastically.