Gibraltar Deaths After Covid Vaccine Push

The 2011 Irish Newspaper with Bill Gates and the heading "Depopulation Through Forced Vaccination: The Zero Carbon Solution" has been viewed over 3.6K times since it was featured on Defending-Gibraltar on 20 Aug 2020 – 2011 Irish Newspaper - Bill Gates' Depopulation Through Forced Vaccination - The Zero Carbon Solution


It's now on the Irish Sentinel 2 May 2021; with a quote very fitting for this thread on elderly deaths through vaccines:

The Irish Sentinel – Depopulation Through Forced vaccination: The Zero Carbon Solution… It’s getting closer:

Hold onto your sanity because I have some bad news for you.

The real reason for vaccinations, apart from the massive profits to the manufacturers, is to ensure that you get sick throughout your life, again not only to enrich these same corporations that made you sick, but to ensure that many, if not all of you, die before you ever receive your PENSION and when you are no longer any of use to society. That’s why they want you retiring later in life and are forcing you through economic terrorism to work longer regardless of your age or health. They literally want to work you to death. If you don’t work you will be classed as a BURDEN to society, a financial COST which society has to bear, and therefore you will be stigmatised as a ‘useless eater’; a consumer of resources needed for the rest of society. When Big Pharma can no longer profit from the illness they gave you, you will be left to die.